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Science worksheets

Experimenting with circuits worksheet

Experimenting with circuits

This worksheet asks children to think about what difference extra bulbs or cells make to a circuit.
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Understanding acids and decay activity

Understanding acids and decay

This fun activity helps children to understand that micro-organisms in our mouth are responsible for turning sugar to acid. It demonstrates the effect of acid on teeth by using an egg and some vinegar.
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Planning a healthy diet

Planning a healthy diet

A simple but effective worksheet that will introduce your child to the idea of a balanced diet.
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Learn about forces

Learn about forces

This KS2 worksheet will reinforce your child's knowledge of forces and help them to use different methods of recording information.
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Sorting materials: soft and hard activity

Sorting materials: soft and hard

Encourage your child to feel a variety of objects and then sort them according to whether they are soft or hard.
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Investigating static electricity activity

Investigating static electricity

Worksheet giving ideas for showing the effect of static electricity by using a balloon and various objects.
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Comparing data worksheet

Comparing data

A worksheet showing results of an experiment into soil permeability with questions for children to answer.
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Super scientist quiz!

Super scientist quiz

Quiz questions to encourage your child to think about how scientists work and why they do the things they do.
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Moving and growing worksheet

Moving and growing

A list of questions to prompt children into thinking further about moving and growing and the importance of the skeleton.
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Changing state: condensation activity

Changing state: condensation

A worksheet with activities your child can try at home to demonstrate the process of condensation.
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Useful gases around us worksheet

Useful gases around us

A worksheet encouraging your child to research into how different gases are used to help us in everyday life.
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Food chains and interdependence activity

Food chains and interdependence

A cut out and stick activity that encourages children to think about which animals eat which plants and animals. They need to arrange these into food chains with arrows pointing the correct way.
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Understanding circuits worksheet

Understanding circuits

A worksheet to help test children's knowledge of circuits. It also asks questions about fair testing and variables.
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Shadow spotting

Shadow spotting

This activity is a fantastic opportunity to introduce your child to the concept of light and dark.
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All about me worksheet

All about me

Help your child think about their family and living arrangements with this worksheet, which encourages them to draw a picture of their home and the people who live in it.
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Sorting toys activity

Sorting toys

An activity involving sorting toys according to a criteria discussed between you and your child.
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Magnetic and non-magnetic activity

Magnetic and non-magnetic

Worksheet with recording table to suggest a way of investigating whether different objects are attracted to a magnet.
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Find facts about teeth worksheet

Find facts about teeth

A worksheet listing questions for children to research about teeth.
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Types of teeth activity

Types of teeth

A cut-out and stick activity that will help your child to think about different types of teeth, how they are shaped and what they do.
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Muscles and skeletons facts worksheet

Muscles and skeletons facts

A list of statements about muscles and bones that children need to cut out and then sort into 'true' and 'false' piles.
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