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Space and shape worksheets

Draw a local map worksheet

Draw a local map

Worksheet with pictures to encourage your child to draw a map of the place where they live.
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The in, out and around game

The in, out and around game

Your child will love this game, especially when it is their turn to boss you around! The aim is to practise using words such as below, under, around and inside and reinforce their meaning.
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Find 3D shapes in your home activity

Find 3D shapes in your home

An activity to do at home, consisting of cutting out the names of 3D shapes and then labelling relevant objects at home.
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Where is the object worksheet

Where is the object?

In, on, over, under, inside, outside... all concepts your child will learn in their Reception year. Help reinforce their understanding by labelling things around the house as part of this activity.
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Find the 2D shapes worksheet

Find the 2D shapes

A picture of a house incorporating various 2D shapes for children to colour in given colours.
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