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Division worksheets

Page from Year 6 Function Machine worksheet

Year 6 function machine activity

Function machines can be a delightful visual resource for children, facilitating their comprehension of various mathematical functions. You can make use of this worksheet to hone your child's equation-solving skills and uncover the functions at play in different mathematical sums.
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Page from Year 5 function machine worksheet

Year 5 function machine activity

Function machines are an enjoyable visual tool for children, aiding them in their understanding of various mathematical functions. Use this worksheet to practice solving equations and determining the functions behind various mathematical sums.
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Page from Year 4 Function Machine worksheet

Year 4 function machine activity

Function machines are a fun visual aid for children that can help them learn about different mathematical functions. Use this worksheet to practise solving equations and finding the functions of different sums.
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Cover for SATS 2023 KS1 Maths

Key Stage 1 - 2023 Maths SATs Papers

Help your child prepare for the end-of-Y2 maths KS1 SATs with some at-home practice. These 2023 Y2 SATs Maths past papers are the official Department for Education papers used in schools.
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Counting and sharing objects game

Counting and sharing objects game

This Teddy Bears’ picnic game is designed to support children’s understanding of counting out objects from a larger group and then sharing them into equal, smaller groups.
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Sharing problem-solving

Sharing problem-solving

This worksheet is designed to help your child practise their division problem-solving skills.
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Sharing a group of objects equally

Sharing a group of objects equally

Sharing is a practical skill and is your child’s first step towards understanding division. In Reception, children are expected to be able to share a group of objects equally.
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Division as repeated subtraction

Division as repeated subtraction

An introduction to the method of ‘repeated subtraction’ (also called chunking), useless when we are dividing large numbers.
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Think-of-a-number puzzles

Think-of-a-number puzzles

Here are some tricky “think of a number” puzzles. Can you solve them?
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Dividing fractions by a whole number worksheet

Dividing fractions by a whole number

If you can multiply fractions you’ll soon be able to divide them by whole numbers, too. Are you ready to have a go at these tricky calculations?
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Incomplete number sentences multiplication and division activity

Incomplete number sentences multiplication and division

A multiplication and division maths practice worksheet created by an experienced primary-school teacher for Year 3 children.

The number sentences in this worksheet each have one number or one symbol (x or ÷) missing. You’ll need to know your 2, 5, 10, 3, 6 and 8 times tables to work out what it is!
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Using the chunking method with remainders

Using the chunking method with remainders

Can you remember how to use the chunking method to divide large numbers? Use this method to solve these tricky problems.
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Using long division to divide worksheet

Using long division to divide

Do you remember how to use the long division method? Can you use the long division method to complete these calculations?
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Using chunking to divide four-digit numbers worksheet

Using chunking to divide four-digit numbers

Chunking is using multiplication to help us divide. There is no one particular way to do each calculation, it is all about estimating, using your own knowledge of numbers. Can you use chunking to help you solve these problems?
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Long division word problems worksheet

Long division word problems

Setting out your calculation correctly is really important in long division. Remember to write all the numbers in the right place or you’ll get confused! Can you solve these problems using long division?
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Long division with remainders practice worksheet

Long division with remainders practice

The long division method is a fast way to divide numbers by two- or three-digit numbers. Can you use the long division method to solve these problems?
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Long division explained

Long division explained

Long division is used to divide a large number by a two- (or more) digit number. It is set out in a similar way to short division. We've started off some calculations. Can you can continue each one on your own?
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Division using chunking practice worksheet

Division using chunking practice

Chunking uses multiplication to help us divide. It involves taking away chunks of the same size from the number (repeated subtraction) until we run out. Can you use chunking to solve these division problems?
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Using the short division method worksheet

Using the short division method

One of the quickest ways to divide numbers is to use the short division method. Can you use this method to solve these problems?
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Solving word problems with short division worksheet

Solving word problems with short division

Work out these problems using the short division method.
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