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Percentages worksheets

Finding percentages of quantities worksheet

Finding percentages of quantities

Once you can find 5%, 10%, 50% and 75% of a quantity you can move on to finding the value of harder percentages! Use this method to work out the answers to these tricky percentage questions.
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Percentage puzzles

Percentage puzzles

Can you solve these tricky percentage problems?
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Secret message percentages worksheet

Secret message percentages

Once you can find 50%, 25%, 75%, 10% and 5% of numbers you can find a lot of other percentages too. Find each of your answers in the coded table to uncover a secret treasure-map message.
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Fractions, percentages and decimals problems

Fractions, percentages and decimals problems

Can you find fractions and percentages of amounts and compare fractions, decimals and percentages? Then you’re ready to try solving these problems!
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Percentage pods explained

Percentage pods explained

We can find percentages of numbers by using a percentage pod! As you practise using the percentage pod model you’ll get used to finding the percentages in your head and develop a mental method.
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Finding percentages with a percentage pod worksheet

Finding percentages with a percentage pod

Do you know how to use a percentage pod? Use a percentage pod to calculate theses percentages.
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Calculating discounts worksheet

Calculating discounts

Play this quick calculation game with a partner. Take it in turns to turn over an item card and a percentage card. Work out how much money you are saving on each item by calculating the discount percentage. After three rounds, the person who has saved the most money wins.
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Blank hundred chart or hundred square

Blank hundred chart or hundred square

Use a blank hundred square to explain decimals to KS2 children, as well as showing the equivalence between fractions, decimals and percentages.
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Fractions, percentages and ratio problems worksheet

Fractions, percentages and ratio problems

Can you work out these tricky fractions, percentages and ratio problems? Ready, set...
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Working out percentages

Working out percentages

For these problems, you need to turn the numbers into a fraction and then turn this into a percentage. See how you get on!
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Equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages memory game

Equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages memory game

Cut out the number cards and turn them all face down. Take turns picking a card up, reading the number and trying to find an equivalent percentage, decimal or fraction. If you find a match you keep the cards; the winner is the player with the most cards at the end of the game.
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Relating fractions to percentages worksheet

Relating fractions to percentages

If you are looking at a part of a whole (in this case shaded sections of a shape), you can write it as a fraction or a percentage. Can you shade the correct part of the shapes below?
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Introduction to percentages worksheet

Introduction to percentages

When dealing with percentages, we have to imagine that something has been split into a hundred equal pieces. Look at the percentages written above each square and colour the squares in to show the correct percent.
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Finding percentages of quantities: multiples of 10 worksheet

Finding percentages of quantities: multiples of 10

If you need to find 30%, 40%, 60%, 70%, 80% or 90% of a quantity, just find 10% of the quantity and then multiply it by 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 or 9. Use this method to work out these sums.
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Finding percentages of quantities: 10%, 20%, 25% and 50%

Finding percentages of quantities: 10%, 20%, 25% and 50%

50% is half, so if you want to find 50% of an amount, divide it by 2. 25% is a quarter, so if you want to find 25% of something, divide it by 4. 20% is a fifth, so if you want to find 20% of something, divide it by 5. 10% is a tenth, so if you want to find 10% of something, divide it by 10. Use these methods to find the answers to these questions.
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Finding percentages of quantities: 5% and 10%

Finding percentages of quantities: 5% and 10%

When you want to find 5% of a quantity, just find 10% and then halve it. Use this method to work out these sums.
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Cool Maths Games for kids learning pack

Cool maths games for kids

Add an extra learning dimension to family game time – try one of our Cool Maths board games and help reinforce your child's knowledge of number bonds, percentages and fractions while you play. Compiled by deputy headteacher Matt Revill and packed with 20 games, this maths learning pack covers all the key skills your child will need to master as part of the primary numeracy curriculum.
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Calculating percentages worksheet

Calculating percentages

The items on this worksheet are on sale! Can you work out how much they cost now?
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Fractions, decimals and percentages worksheet

Fractions, decimals and percentages practice

A revision worksheet which tests understanding of fractions, percentages and decimals and how they are linked with a series of story problems to solve.
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