Pshe worksheets
I am growing!
In understanding that living things grow, it is fun for children to observe how they themselves have grown and changed. Children are usually very enthusiastic about talking about all the things they can do!
Understanding puberty
In order to be able to have children, our bodies need to go through changes. Puberty is a big change that occurs in girls and boys roughly between the ages of 11 and 14. Read this text a few times. Now cover it over and see if you can remember four changes for girls and four changes for boys
The effects of a healthy diet
Eating a balanced diet is important for maintaining good health. This food pyramid shows us how much we should have of each food group every day. Why do you think we need these different food groups? Can you do some research into the nutrients each group gives us.
The dangers of cigarettes and alcohol
Smoking and drinking alcohol are not illegal, but cigarettes and too much alcohol are very bad for your health. Can you match these smoking-related words to their definitions below?
Healthy living pledges
Create a healthy living questionnaire for your friends and family. Think of questions about sleep, food, drink, exercise and then do a survey of everyone’s habits. At the end of the week as a family decide what everybody’s new healthy goals are going to be. What could you do more of? What will happen if you make some changes to your life? Why?
A to Z of body parts
Play a car game listing an A to Z of parts of the body, for example: arm, belly button, cuticles… If you get stuck you may need to be creative and think of variations (for example, digits instead of fingers). If you’re playing with older children they could also list internal organs!
Summer brain-boosting challenges
Juggle fruit. Work on the technology of the future. Plot and design a lost city, create a zoo of invented animals, learn to talk sdrawkcab and bake a pizza clock and a pastry map. How many of our wonderful brain-boosting challenges can you fit into your summer? All you need are some art materials, imagination and an enquiring mind to have a go at a whole host of practical and reflective activities, suitable for primary-school children (and parents, of course). Have fun!
Labelling and describing words
Draw a picture of a family member then label it and add some words to describe them around the picture.
Know your body and its parts
This activity is a fun way to help your child to learn about the human body and its parts.
Talking about choices
A fun worksheet where your child can talk and write about their preferences for unusual situations.
Talking about dilemmas
This worksheet gives various school scenarios which children are encouraged to consider. They then need to think about the course of action they would choose.
Brainstorming how my actions affect others
This worksheet helps children to develop some understanding of how their choice of behaviour can affect others. It gives them the opportunity to think about the best way to deal with a situation.