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Reading comprehension worksheets

Understanding non-fiction text worksheet

Understanding non-fiction text

This information text on guitars comes with questions for your child to practise to help them with retrieval of information and naming features of such a text.
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Understanding characters worksheet

Understanding characters

This reading comprehension gives a passage of fiction text for children to read. The questions then encourage children to retrieve information and infer the way that characters are feeling.
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Reading comprehension: Visit from outer space worksheet

Reading comprehension: Visit from outer space

This reading comprehension encourages children to think about the feelings and behaviour of characters in a text. It includes answers to the questions.
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Reading comprehension: Billy's guitar worksheet

Reading comprehension: Billy's guitar

This reading comprehension includes a passage of fiction which is followed by questions designed to prompt children to retrieve information and infer characters' feelings. It also includes answers.
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Reading comprehension: A new life in London worksheet

Reading comprehension: A new life in London

This reading comprehension consists of a passage of fiction which is then followed by questions prompting children to retrieve information from the text and infer characters' feelings. Answers are also included.
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Instruction text worksheet

Instruction text

Use this reading comprehension to help your child think about the way instruction texts are set out and also to help them get used to retrieving information from a text.
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