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Science worksheets

All about worms investigation

All about worms

Go into your garden and dig up two earthworms. Put them next to each other and see if you can find things that are the same about them and things that are different. Look at their length, their patterns, their colour Can you draw pictures of them both, showing the difference between them? You could also try building your own wormery.
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All about teeth worksheet

All about teeth

Human adults have up to 32 permanent teeth, which start to emerge when we are about 6 years old. Most people have all their adult teeth (apart from wisdom teeth) in place by the age of 12. Can you label this diagram of the different kinds of teeth?
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Air resistance investigation

Air resistance investigation

Air resistance is a force which slows moving objects down. When things move through the air, they are slowed down. Planes can move more quickly through the air by having a more streamlined shape – this means less surface area for the air to resist against. Do you fancy having a go at running your own simple investigation into air resistance?
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A to Z of body parts worksheet

A to Z of body parts

Play a car game listing an A to Z of parts of the body, for example: arm, belly button, cuticles… If you get stuck you may need to be creative and think of variations (for example, digits instead of fingers). If you’re playing with older children they could also list internal organs!
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Make your own magnetic compass

Understanding magnets: Make your own magnetic compass

The Earth has a weak magnetic field caused by the movement of molten iron in its core. The Earth’s magnetic field acts on a magnetised needle, pulling one end towards the north and the other towards the south magnetic pole. Understand more about magnets by making your very own magnetic compass from a polystyrene pizza base, a needle, a pin and a strong magnet.

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Build your own periscope

Understanding light reflection: Build your own periscope

Mirrors change the direction of light and reflect it. We can demonstrate this practically by making a periscope. Light is reflected from one object into a mirror and then onto the other mirror before reaching your eyes. Collect your materials and find out for yourself!
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Build your own balloon hovercraft

Understanding friction: Build your own balloon hovercraft

When a moving surface slides on a stationary surface it rubs against it, which slows it down. This is due to friction, a force which resists the movement of one object sliding past another. Understand more about friction with a fantastic practical project: make your own balloon hovercraft!
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Animal anagrams

Animal anagrams

The letters in these boxes have been mixed up. Can you unjumble them to find the name of an animal?
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Experiments and science fun for KS1 and KS2

Experiments and science fun for KS1 and KS2

Beans, gingerbread men, ice, washing-up bottles and cocoa powder – that's all you need to demonstrate key KS1 and KS2 science concepts to your child at the kitchen table. Packed with simple experiments, fun games (Muffled Chinese Whispers, anyone?) and parent-friendly science explanations, our Experiments and science fun for KS1 and KS2 learning pack is all you need to make primary science come to life for your child.
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Labelling and describing words

Draw a picture of a family member then label it and add some words to describe them around the picture.
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Shadow puppet theatre activity

Shadow puppet theatre

Cut out these dragon, fairy and owl shadow puppets to use in storytelling, while also learning about the properties of light and dark when a light source is blocked by an object.
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Investigating and comparing materials

Investigating and comparing materials

Develop your child's understanding of materials and their different properties.
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Understanding magnetic objects

Understanding magnetic objects

Fun experiments to help your child learn about magnetism and magnets.
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Materials treasure hunt activity

Materials treasure hunt

Encourage your child to find soft and hard objects around the house and then record what they found.
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Electricity dangers worksheet

Electricity dangers

A worksheet to prompt children to think about the dangers of electricity and how they could warn others about this.
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What's in our food? activity

What's in our food?

A sheet encouraging children to look at the ingredients in different food and consider which are healthy and which are not.
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Materials to build a house worksheet

Materials to build a house

This worksheet encourages children to think about what materials they would need to build a house and why.
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Circuits and conductors true or false worksheet

Circuits and conductors true or false

A list of statements on circuits and conductors that children need to think about and then sort into the 'true' and 'false' boxes.
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Using different sources to answer questions worksheet

Using different sources to answer questions

A worksheet with prompts to encourage children to research different aspects of the topics they cover over the course of Year 5.
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Refuting a hypothesis activity

Refuting a hypothesis

This worksheet requires children to give ways of proving that sound can travel through solids and then try out their ideas.
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