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Science worksheets

Draw a food chain diagram worksheet

Draw a food chain diagram

A worksheet to prompt your child to use their knowledge of food chains to make their own chain with the given organisms.
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Using observation in investigations worksheet

Using observation in investigations

A worksheet showing the results of an experiment into plant growth with encouragement for children to carry out a similar experiment and think about the results.
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Seed dispersal activity

Seed dispersal

An activity to encourage your child to look for plants and think about the way the seeds are dispersed.
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Different forces in action worksheet

Different forces in action

This worksheet has pictures to prompt children into thinking about the different forces that are at work in everyday life. It also gives another sheet with explanations of the different forces.
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Non-reversible changes: burning worksheet

Non-reversible changes: burning

A worksheet to encourage children to think about how everyday objects change when they are lit or burnt.
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Make a telephone

Make a telephone

Have fun with your child whilst they learn more about sound and its properties.
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Learning about materials activity

Learning about materials

This Key Stage 1 science download is about the characteristics of materials and will help your child to think about why we use materials the way we do in constructing everyday objects.
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On the farm: where animals live worksheet

On the farm: where animals live

A worksheet designed to help your child match an animal to its home.
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Ice cube investigation activity

Ice cube investigation

An investigation comparing the difference between an ice cube melting in air and an ice cube melting in water.
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Balanced shopping list Y3 science worksheet

A balanced shopping list

On this worksheet, children need to sort different foods into their groups.
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Rocks and soil facts worksheet

Rocks and soil facts

This worksheet encourages children to read through the list of statements about rocks and soils and then decide whether they are true or false.
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Finding habitats activity

Finding habitats

An activity to encourage your child to go outside and look for habitats, then record the features they find.
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Using technology in science worksheet

Using technology in science

A worksheet encouraging children to think about the technology used by scientists in particular areas of science.
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Testing a hypothesis worksheet

Testing a hypothesis

A worksheet giving a hypothesis about the movements of the Sun and Earth. Children need to think about whether it is right or wrong and explain their reasoning.
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Dissolving solids and temperature experiment activity

Dissolving solids and temperature experiment

This experiment helps children to think about how to methodically carry out an investigation and then draw conclusions about temperature and dissolving from the results.
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Reversible changes: heating and freezing activity

Reversible changes: heating and freezing

Some examples of changes made by heating or freezing. Children need to work out whether these are reversible or non-reversible. Some can be tested at home.
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My bean growing diary 2

My bean growing diary

Your child will enjoy growing their own bean and keeping a record of its progress with this fun diary.
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The properties of different materials

The properties of different materials

This kids' science activity looks at the properties of fabrics.
It is aimed at Key Stage 1 pupils and should be done with a parent or carer.
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Physical processes: morning and night worksheet

Physical processes: morning and night

A worksheet designed to prompt a discussion about the differences between day and night.
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Investigating forces - pushes activity

Investigating forces - pushes

An investigation into the effect of pushing various objects. This includes extension activities to encourage your child to investigate further.
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