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Telling the time worksheets

Practise writing the days of the week

Practise writing the days of the week

Help your child practise writing the days of the week with this handwriting and spelling worksheet.
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Y5 time word problems worksheet

Y5 time word problems

Use your knowledge of time to solve these word problems. For an extra challenge, work against the clock and aim to finish as quickly as possible!
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What year is it worksheet

What year is it?

Help your child understand what years mean and how to order years.
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Time intervals: 12-hour and 24-hour clock

Time intervals: 12-hour and 24-hour clock

Can you solve these time interval word problems? Use this timeline to help you (or cover it up if you're able to answer the questions without it).
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Time facts matching game

Time facts matching game

Cut out all the cards. Each pink card matches up with a blue card. See if you can find all the pairs. How fast can you do it?
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Telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes: matching activity

Telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes: matching activity

Can you match the clock faces to the times given in writing? Cut them out and match them up.
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Sequencing events worksheet

Sequencing events

Ask your child to cut out the pictures and think about which heading they go under. Once they have placed them under the headings, ask them to give you a verbal sentence explaining what they do and when, for example: ‘In the morning, I eat breakfast.’
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Sequencing events: past, present, future worksheet

Sequencing events: past, present, future

Ask your child to tell you what they did yesterday. Ask them to draw a picture in the box and then write a sentence next to it. Encourage them to go through the rest of the sheet, filling in what they did at each stage.
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Roman numerals: time intervals worksheet

Roman numerals: time intervals

Look at these clocks. Write the time (in modern numbers) underneath them. What’s the time difference between clock A and clock B?
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Reading a bus timetable worksheet

Reading a bus timetable

Can you solve these timetable word problems?
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Measuring short periods of time worksheet

Measuring short periods of time

Can you work out how long it takes to do each of these activities?
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Days in each month worksheet

Days in each month

Here's a simple way to remember how many days there are in each month. Now see if you can fill in the table correctly.
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Converting measures time puzzles

Converting measures time puzzles

Can you solve these three word puzzles? You'll have to convert between different measures of time...
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Compare durations of events worksheet

Compare durations of events

The following children did a sponsored swim. They timed themselves swimming ten lengths. Write down how long it took each child (in minutes) to swim their ten lengths. Who completed the ten lengths the fastest? Who completed the ten lengths the slowest?
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Compare and sequence intervals of time worksheet

Compare and sequence intervals of time

Time intervals are best understood through practical activities. Here are some hands-on ways of experiencing the passing of time with your child. Once you’ve tried them, ask your child to cut out the activity cards and put them in order next to the matching time interval cards.
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24-hour clock: time intervals worksheet

24-hour clock: time intervals

Look at these clocks. Write the 12-hour time (including am or pm) underneath each one. How much time has passed between the clocks?
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Telling the time to the nearest minute (12-hour clock)

Telling the time to the nearest minute (12-hour clock)

Can you read the time on these clock faces?
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Telling the time (five-minute intervals) worksheet

Telling the time (five-minute intervals)

Can you read the time on these clock faces?
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Solve problems by converting between units of time

Solve problems by converting between units of time

You'll need to convert between seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks and years to answer these tricky questions!
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Converting between units of time worksheet

Converting between units of time

How quickly can you convert from seconds to minutes to hours? Let's find out...
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