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Ks2 Science worksheets

Predictions and conclusions: life cycles worksheet

Predictions and conclusions: life cycles

A worksheet showing the predictions and conclusions of an experiment into life cycles. Includes questions to encourage children to use their investigative skills.
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Animals and their habitats worksheet

Animals and their habitats

This worksheet encourages children to investigate why certain animals are adapted to their habitats.
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Putting together a circuit worksheet

Putting together a circuit

This worksheet encourages children to think about how they would carry out an experiment into circuits. It requires them to draw a diagram using the correct symbols.
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Shadow spotting

Shadow spotting

This activity is a fantastic opportunity to introduce your child to the concept of light and dark.
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Growing diary data worksheet

Growing diary data

A worksheet showing results of an investigation into how different soils affect the growth of plants.
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All about skeletons quiz worksheet

All about skeletons quiz

Quiz questions to prompt your child to think about what they know about skeletons.
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Understanding food chains activity

Understanding food chains

Vocabulary related to food chains for children to cut out and then match to the correct definitions.
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Proving that air exists activity

Proving that air exists

Activities for your child to do at home that will demonstrate the fact that air exists.
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Can you separate solids from liquids worksheet

Can you separate solids from liquids?

This experiment helps children to understand that sometimes a solution of a solid and a liquid can be separated by evaporation.
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Reversible and non-reversible changes activity

Reversible and non-reversible changes

This experiment that you can do at home helps your child to understand the difference between a reversible change and a non-reversible change.
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Understand how day and night occur

Understand how day and night occur

An ingenious experiment that will demonstrate how day and night occur in simple terms.
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How are magnets used worksheet

How are magnets used

A worksheet to encourage children to think about objects and whether they use magnets.
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Circuits and conductors worksheet

Circuits and conductors

A cutting out and re-ordering activity, where your child needs to match vocabulary on electricity with the correct definition.
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Using data to reach a conclusion worksheet

Using data to reach a conclusion

This worksheet shows the results of an experiment into friction. It has questions below to prompt children to think about what the results mean and draw their own conclusions.
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Refuting a hypothesis activity

Refuting a hypothesis

This worksheet requires children to give ways of proving that sound can travel through solids and then try out their ideas.
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Conductors and insulators worksheet

Conductors and insulators

Use this worksheet to discuss conductors and insulators with your child. See if they can work out which materials will make the bulb light up and why.
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Non-reversible changes: burning worksheet

Non-reversible changes: burning

A worksheet to encourage children to think about how everyday objects change when they are lit or burnt.
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Understanding light and dark

Understanding light and dark

A worksheet designed to help your child investigate and understand light and dark.
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Investigate rock properties worksheet

Investigate rock properties

Worksheet encouraging children to think about the properties of different rocks.
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Circuits and conductors true or false worksheet

Circuits and conductors true or false

A list of statements on circuits and conductors that children need to think about and then sort into the 'true' and 'false' boxes.
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