Year 1 Maths worksheets
Free worksheets: Weights and measurements, KS1, Y1
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Comparing weights
A Year 2 maths worksheet created by a teacher to help your child learn how to compare weights of two household objects to see which is the heaviest.
Measurement terms around the house
Cut out the cards. Put some Blu Tack on the back of them, then go on a measurement trail around your house. What items could be described by the words? Stick your cards on them!
Using non-standard measures: length
Let's get measuring. Look at your hand. Stretch it out as big as it can go. The distance from your thumb to your little finger is called your hand span. Go around your house finding things that are smaller and things that are larger than your hand span. Write them in these circles.
Primary Geometry: shape and space pack
Geometry is better known in primary schools nowadays as ‘Shape and Space’. Shape work focuses on 2D and 3D shapes; by the end of the primary curriculum children have a solid knowledge of a large number of shapes and their characteristics. This pack of activities is full of hands-on activities that will help children to name, sort and classify shapes before moving onto topics such as area, perimeter, angles and symmetry.
Key Stage 1 - 2023 Maths SATs Papers
Help your child prepare for the end-of-Y2 maths KS1 SATs with some at-home practice. These 2023 Y2 SATs Maths past papers are the official Department for Education papers used in schools.
The goal behind this classic strategic game is to try and sink your opponent’s battleships. Each player tries to hide their ships on the grid and avoid being ‘hit’ by the other player’s ‘shots’. A player is given two grids, one to put their own ships on and one to mark their guesses and whether or not their shots succeeded.
Weigh items to compare them
How good are you at estimating what something weighs? Let's try this activity, which involves estimating the weight of common household items then checking the weight on your kitchen scales.
Race to find 2D and 3D shapes
Do you know your 2D and 3D shapes? Let's race to see who can find the most items in 30 seconds!
Make your own one pound shop
Let's play shops! This fun game will help your child recognise the value of different denominations of coins, as well as supporting their understanding of simple addition and subtraction problems.
Estimating height and length
Gather a selection of toys or household items that are different lengths and heights. Then ask your child to put them in length / height order and compare them using terms such as “longer / shorter / taller” and “double the length / half the height”.
Year 1 worksheets taster pack
Find out what your child will learn in Year 1 English, maths and science, try out a few learning activities and read our top tips about how to support their learning and development in our free, downloadable Year 1 Taster Pack.
Repeated addition worksheet (5x table)
A bright, cheerful worksheet created by an experience teacher, which will help your child master the concept of repeated addition and how it relates to multiplication.
Year 1 Maths Mastery Workbook
Build your Year 1 child's maths confidence step by step with our maths mastery workbook, packed with practice activities and teacher tips to help you consolidate their understanding at home.
Year 1 Maths Challenge Pack
Challenging activities and puzzles for Year 1 mathematicians, designed to stretch your child and offer them the opportunity to explore their year-group topics in greater depth.
Year 1 money puzzle
How well do you know your coins? See if you can complete this tricky puzzle.
Telling the time game: time for dinner spinner
This fun two-player game will help your child to practise reading and setting the time.
Partitioning mini maze
Follow the clues to help the pirate through the maze to the treasure using your partitioning skills.
Number bonds to 20 crossword
Colour the pairs of numbers that make 20 in the same colour. Try to use a different colour for each pair. What do you notice? Now use these bonds to find the answers to the crossword.
Number bonds to 20 racing game
This game is designed to support your child’s understanding of number bonds to 20 (pairs of numbers that make 20). Ready, steady, go...!
Number bonds to 10 racing game
This game is designed to support your child’s understanding of number bonds to 10 (pairs of numbers that make 10).
Fraction Frenzy flash cards
How quickly can you complete this flash cards game? Try it a few times and aim to do it faster each time!
Days of the week crossword puzzle
Can you solve the clues below and fill in the crossword with the correct days of the week?
Capacity spinner game
This fun game encourages your child to compare volumes using the language of measurement: full, empty, half full, quarter full, more and less.