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Year 2 Science worksheets

Understanding lifecycles worksheet

Understanding life cycles

A worksheet designed to prompt children to think about the life cycles of plants and animals.
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Design a healthy menu worksheet

Design a healthy menu

A worksheet to prompt children to think about how to incorporate healthy food types into their daily diet.
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What is a living thing? worksheet

What is a living thing?

A brainstorm sheet to encourage children to write down everything they know about living things.
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Design your own forces investigation activity

Design your own forces investigation

A worksheet to prompt children into carrying out an investigation into the force exerted by water on different objects.
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What is good food? activity

What is good food?

A cutting and sticking activity to help children understand which foods belong to which group.
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Make a pinwheel activity

Make a pinwheel

Making a pinwheel will help your child understand air power, as well as offering a great opportunity for a spot of decoration. You'll need a push pin or straight pin and a pencil with a rubber on the end as well as our pinwheel template.
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