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Year 5 worksheets

Reading comprehension: more Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde

Reading comprehension: more Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde

Read this second extract from The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde and then answer the questions.
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Reading comprehension: The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde

Reading comprehension: The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde

Read this passage from The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde then carefully answer the questions below.
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Reading comprehension: Martin and Margot by Amy Le Feuvre

Reading comprehension: Martin and Margot by Amy Le Feuvre

First read this extract from Martin and Margot by Amy Le Feuvre, then carefully answer the questions.
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Reading comprehension: Sara Crewe by Frances Hodgson Burnett

Reading comprehension: Sara Crewe by Frances Hodgson Burnett

Carefully read this passage from Sara Crewe, an early version of A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett, then answer the questions.
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Re-ordering words to make sentences worksheet

Re-ordering words to make sentences

Each of these groups of words makes up a sentence. Can you re-order them to reveal the sentence? You could cut the words out to help you.
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Logic puzzles worksheet

Logic puzzles

Get your thinking hat on and see if you can work out these two logic puzzles. Warning: They are tricky!
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Identifying onomatopoeia worksheet

Identifying onomatopoeia

Onomatopoeia is when a word sounds like the noise it describes. Can you write a poem using onomatopoeia? Here are some subjects that you could choose from.
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Connectives exercise worksheet

Connectives exercise

Connectives are words that join two parts of a text. Look at this passage and use some of the connectives in the table to fill in the gaps.
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11+ cloze test: Through the Looking-Glass

Cloze test: Through the Looking-Glass

Can you work out where these words belong in this text?
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11+ cloze test: The wood at night

Cloze test: The wood at night

All these words belong in this text. Can you insert them correctly?
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11+ Cloze test: A Little Princess

Cloze test: A Little Princess

Can you work out where these words belong in this text?
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Antonyms worksheet


Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings. See if you can pair each word below with its opposite. You may need to use a dictionary to check some definitions
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Non-verbal reasoning worksheet: Completing sequences

Non-verbal reasoning: Completing sequences

Here’s a sequence of figures, in order. By looking at how they change can you work out what the next figure in the sequence should be? Now, are you ready to do some complete-the-series questions?
Then let’s begin!
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Non-verbal reasoning worksheet: Understanding symmetry

Non-verbal reasoning: Understanding symmetry

Something is symmetrical when it is the same on both sides. A shape has symmetry if a central dividing line (a mirror line) can be drawn on it, to show that both sides of the shape are exactly the same. Looking at the shapes below, which ones don’t have a line of symmetry?
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Non-verbal reasoning worksheet: Understanding rotation

Non-verbal reasoning: Understanding rotation

Rotation means turning a shape around a point by a certain angle. A shape can be rotated in different directions, clockwise or counter-clockwise. Rotate the figure on the left by 90º. What will the rotated
shape look like?
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Non-verbal reasoning worksheet: Understanding reflection

Non-verbal reasoning: Understanding reflection

Reflecting shapes in a mirror line means imagining what a shape would look like if you were to look at it in a mirror. Which figure on the right is the reflection of the shape given on the left along the dotted mirror line?
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Non-verbal reasoning worksheet: Understanding direction

Non-verbal reasoning: Understanding direction

In non-verbal reasoning, direction is also referred to as orientation – in other words, the way a shape or figure is positioned on the paper, which tells us which direction it’s pointing to. Have a go at these practical non-verbal puzzles and remember to think about the direction each shape is pointing in. Find the odd one in the group of figures.
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Non-verbal reasoning worksheet: Rotating by 180°

Non-verbal reasoning: Rotating by 180°

Shapes can be rotated in any direction, clockwise or anti-clockwise, by turning the shape around a point by a certain angle. We’re going to look in detail at a 180° rotation. How would the figure on the left look when rotated by 180º clockwise?
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Non-verbal reasoning worksheet: Rotating by 45º

Non-verbal reasoning: Rotating by 45º

Rotating a shape means turning it around a point by a certain angle, clockwise or counter-clockwise. Now we’re going to focus on a tricky rotation, 45º. It’s hard to identify, but it shows a movement of 1/8 of a complete turn. How would the figure on the left look when rotated by 45º clockwise?
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Non-verbal reasoning worksheet: Reflection practice

Non-verbal reasoning: Reflection practice

Reflected shapes look as they would if seen in a mirror – in other words, they’ve been flipped across a mirror line. In non-verbal reasoning questions you usually won’t be shown the mirror line, you’ll need to spot reflected shapes yourself! Can you find the reflection of the shape on the left?
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