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Year 5 Science worksheets

Test a hypothesis worksheet

Test a hypothesis

A hypothesis about the game noughts and crosses which prompts children to find their own method to prove or disprove the initial statement.
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Counting forces: experiment with a ball.

Counting forces: experiment with a ball

A fun way to introduce your child to the concept of gravity and its effect on objects.
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Can you separate solids from liquids worksheet

Can you separate solids from liquids?

This experiment helps children to understand that sometimes a solution of a solid and a liquid can be separated by evaporation.
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Guess that sound

Guess that sound

In this entertaining activity your child will learn all about sounds.
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Dissolving solids and temperature experiment activity

Dissolving solids and temperature experiment

This experiment helps children to think about how to methodically carry out an investigation and then draw conclusions about temperature and dissolving from the results.
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