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Year 2 Science worksheets

Natural or man-made worksheet

Natural or man-made

Worksheet to prompt your child to consider whether different objects are natural or man-made.
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Learn about forces

Learn about forces

This KS2 worksheet will reinforce your child's knowledge of forces and help them to use different methods of recording information.
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Physical processes: electricity worksheet

Physical processes: electricity

A worksheet to encourage children to think about all the household items they know of that use electricity.
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Changing materials investigation activity

Changing materials investigation

A practical activity for children to test what happens when they stretch, bend, squash and twist different materials.
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Sorting materials into sets activity

Sorting materials into sets

A worksheet with boxes for sorting different materials into sets according to their properties.
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Make a pinwheel activity

Make a pinwheel

Making a pinwheel will help your child understand air power, as well as offering a great opportunity for a spot of decoration. You'll need a push pin or straight pin and a pencil with a rubber on the end as well as our pinwheel template.
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