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Year 3 Science worksheets

Investigate the principles of forces

Investigate the principles of forces

This worksheet will help your child experience the basic principles of forces such as pushing/pulling, gravity, and friction.
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Shadow spotting

Shadow spotting

This activity is a fantastic opportunity to introduce your child to the concept of light and dark.
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Magnets quiz worksheet

Magnets quiz

Questions about magnets for children to think about and / or research.
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Understanding physical processes

Understanding physical processes

This worksheet will help your child to use first-hand experience to answer questions and to recognise that when things speed up, slow down or change direction, there is a cause.
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Understanding light and dark

Understanding light and dark

A worksheet designed to help your child investigate and understand light and dark.
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Plan a scientific investigation worksheet

Plan a scientific investigation

This worksheet encourages children to read through a plan of an investigation and decide where the problems might be.
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Designing for a purpose

Designing for a purpose

Let your child use their imagination to create a camouflage outfit, helping them explore ideas about designing for a purpose.
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Planning healthy meals worksheet

Planning healthy meals

Encourage your child to plan three healthy meals and then to do the opposite and plan three unhealthy meals.
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Experimenting with forces: jet engine experiment

Experimenting with forces

Develop your child's understanding of forces with an experiment to demonstrate the workings of a jet engine whilst encouraging scientific discussion.
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Rocks and soil facts worksheet

Rocks and soil facts

This worksheet encourages children to read through the list of statements about rocks and soils and then decide whether they are true or false.
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Understanding magnetic objects

Understanding magnetic objects

Fun experiments to help your child learn about magnetism and magnets.
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Select material properties worksheet

Select material properties

A worksheet to help your child think about the properties of different materials, with prompt words at the bottom.
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Build a metal detector and learn about magnetism

Build a metal detector and learn about magnetism

Extend your child's understanding of magnetism by helping them build a metal detector.
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Step-by-step investigation worksheet

Step-by-step investigation

Use this worksheet to help your child plan an investigation into the amount of light different materials will allow through.
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Balanced shopping list Y3 science worksheet

A balanced shopping list

On this worksheet, children need to sort different foods into their groups.
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Using scientific equipment worksheet

Using scientific equipment

Use this worksheet to help your child plan an investigation into rock permeability.
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All about rocks worksheet

All about rocks

A worksheet encouraging children to match types of rock (igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic) with their descriptions.
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What do you know about light? activity

What do you know about light?

A worksheet with half-sentences about light, to cut out and re-arrange so that they make sense.
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All about springs worksheet

All about springs

A worksheet listing several statements about springs which children have to sort into 'true' and 'false' boxes.
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All about skeletons quiz worksheet

All about skeletons quiz

Quiz questions to prompt your child to think about what they know about skeletons.
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