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School life articles

What is an education welfare officer?
What is an Education Welfare Officer?
If there are concerns about your child’s school attendance, you might be referred to an Education Welfare Officer. We explain their role.
Child with questions
6 ways to make science fun for kids
Science may be one of the most hands-on subjects at school, but making it accessible isn’t always easy. We asked the experts how to channel your child's natural curiosity into a life-long interest in the world around us and how it works.
Children walking home from school
How to build your child's independence
Do you feel like you’re constantly nagging your child to get things done? Helping them develop their independent streak could help to break the trap.
Child reading in a library
Expanding your child’s reading tastes
Is your child stuck in a reading rut? Lucy Dimbylow takes a look at how to encourage them to test the water with different styles and genres of fiction and non-fiction.
Children playing in school playground
'Help! My child hasn't been offered a school place!'
Every year, a number of parents face the nightmare of not being offered a Reception place for their child in any local school. We explain what to do if the worst happens.
Children learning through singing
Best learning songs
Could songs and music help your child learn and remember English, maths and science facts? We pick our favourite learning songs, covering everything from adverbs and angles to onomatopoeia and photosynthesis.
Primary-school children using computers
The parent's guide to InCAS tests
Many primary-school pupils in Northern Ireland and Scotland are assessed every year using InCAS tests. We explain what’s involved.
Listening skills for kids
Improving your child’s listening skills
Listening is a vital skill for your primary-school child, but how can you help to develop it?
Child and tutor working together
How to get the best from tutoring
If you’re investing in a tutor for your child, you’ll want to get your money’s worth. We explain how to make the most of tutoring.
Butlin’s Astonishing Family Science Weekends
Butlin’s Astonishing Family Science Weekend reviewed by parents
Butlin’s new Astonishing Family Science Weekends are designed to give children aged six to 14 a taste of how science works in everyday life. Lucy Dimbylow visited the Bognor Regis resort with her children Tom, 10, and Katie, 5.
Child using a dictionary
Best reference books for children
Reference books and dictionaries offer us information that's accurate, well researched and beautifully presented and are invaluable when you're working on a homework project. From atlases to dictionaries and encyclopedias, we recommend some of the best English, maths, science, history and geography reference books for primary-school children.
Eureka museum sleepover
The UK’s best museum sleepovers for kids
What could be better than spending a day with your child at one of the UK’s best family museums? Well, how about spending the night there...
Pros and cons of single-sex primary and secondary education
Single-sex schools: the pros and cons
Would you consider a girls' school or boys' school for your child at primary or secondary level? We take a look at single-sex education and whether it’s right for your child.
Home education maths
The laws on home education in Wales
As home education surges in popularity in Wales, we explain the facts you need to know if you're considering home-educating your child.
Home education painting
Home education and the law in Northern Ireland
In recent years there has been controversy around the right to home educate in Northern Ireland. We explain what the law says.
Home education child doing maths
Home education in England: the facts
What does the English law say about your right to home educate your child? We explain the legalities and practicalities of getting started with home education in England.
Child playing computer games
Positive screen time for children
Despairing of how much time your child spends glued to their laptop, tablet or phone? Here's how to help them get the most out of their screen time
BBC Micro:bit
What is the BBC micro:bit?
We explain what the BBC micro:bit computer coding device is all about – and put it to the test.
Year 1 child learning numeracy
Moving from Reception to Year 1: how it affects your child
As the transition from the Foundation Stage to Key Stage 1 approaches, how can you help your child adjust to the new pace of Year 1?
Creative child at the blackboard
What is a Steiner school?
Steiner schools place an emphasis on preserving childhood, music and arts with an internationally recognised curriculum, but what actually takes place in the classroom?
Learning through LEGO
Learning through LEGO
Is your child obsessed with LEGO? Here’s how it could give their learning a boost.
Minecraft in school
Learning through Minecraft
You may think it’s just another video game – albeit a particularly addictive one – but Minecraft could have educational benefits too…
KidZania London reviewed for parents
Museums reviewed by parents: KidZania
What does your child want to be when they grow up? London's new family attraction, KidZania, lets them try out prospective careers in a child-centred world.
How to volunteer in primary school
How to help out at your child's school
Helping out at your child’s school is a great way to find out what they’re getting up to. We explain how to get your foot in the door.
What is a prep school?
What is a prep school?
A prep school education can be the stepping stone to a place at one of the UK's best secondary schools. We explain how the system works.
Mother and sons drawing
20 things you learn in your child's Reception year
The first year of school is a big learning curve for your Reception child – and for you, too...
Child colouring
Concentration exercises for primary school children
Getting your child to concentrate can be a tricky task, so try these fun tasks to help improve their attention and focus.
Times Tables Check parents' guide
The Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) explained
A formal test of multiplication skills takes place in the summer term of Year 4. Our guide for parents explains how the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) will work in English primary schools.
Parents' resolutions for 2017
Primary school parents' resolutions for the New Year
The start of a new year is the perfect time to reflect on what we could do differently in the 12 months ahead. Here are our resolutions for the year ahead...
Child taking exam
How to handle the 11+ test day
Your child has done all their prep, and now the big day is looming. How can they make sure they do their best?
Stressed mum with family
21 things that always happen on school mornings
The hour before you leave the house for school is always the most stressful of the day. Here's why...
Child scientist
Best science sets for children
Looking for ways to encourage your child's interest in the world around them? These learning-through-play sets are perfect for budding scientists, allowing them to get hands-on and experiment with simple physics, meteorology, geology, anatomy, mechanics and more.
Pupils in school library
What is an all-through school?
More and more schools are opening up that provide education for all children from age three to 19. We look at the pros and cons of this new model of schooling.
Tablet toys
Best tablet toys for children
Every child we know loves playing with a tablet computer – and now connected toys take learning to a new level by combining hands-on play with digital animations to teach the basics of story-telling, maths, spelling, reading and physics. Tablet toys are definitely not just for kids!
Social media school policies
School social media policies explained
With cyber safety and online bullying becoming increasingly problematic, many schools are adopting social media policies. But what do these documents actually do?
Family at the computer
Best children's books about coding
How confident do you feel about supporting your child's interest in coding at home? Whatever your child's (or your!) level of knowledge, these books will take you through the basics with screenshots, step-by-step illustrations and plain English explanations about Scratch, Python and the basics of computational thinking and programming. You're just a few pages away from coding your first game...
Child making a Christmas card
16 truths about being a primary school parent at Christmas
'Tis the season to be jolly – but if you've got a child at primary school, the Christmas period can be a month-long feat of endurance. Good luck...
Charity collection box
The etiquette of charity days at school
Do you feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of fundraising events at your child’s school? We take a look at the unofficial rules.
School photographs
The truth about primary school photos
Hoping for a decent school photo of your child this year? You'll be lucky...
Spelling letters
9 strategies for learning primary school spellings
If learning spellings always ends in tears and tantrums, trying another technique could help make it a less stressful process. We've rounded up the best methods to try.