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11 plus worksheets

Non-verbal reasoning worksheet: Compound figures: adding shapes together

Non-verbal reasoning: Compound figures: adding shapes together

Figures can be built by combining different shapes. Can you find the best option to complete each of these puzzles?
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Non-verbal reasoning worksheet: Composite 3D figures

Non-verbal reasoning: Composite 3D figures

In these questions, the figure shown on the left is a 3D object. Find TWO OR MORE figures on the right that combine to form the object on the left.
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Non-verbal reasoning worksheet: Complete-the-series revision

Non-verbal reasoning: Complete-the-series revision

In complete-the-series questions you need to look at a set of figures’ common attributes to identify another figure which belongs to the same group. Find which figure belongs to the group of shapes shown on the left.
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Non-verbal reasoning worksheet: Complete the matrix by finding the overall pattern

Non-verbal reasoning: Complete the matrix by finding the overall pattern

Work through these complete-the-grid questions step-by-step to complete them correctly.
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Non-verbal reasoning worksheet: Complete the grid

Non-verbal reasoning: Complete the grid

In this question type you are asked to complete a matrix (an array shown as a series of columns and rows). Can you solve these complete-the-grid questions?
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Non-verbal reasoning worksheet: Coding diagrams revision

Non-verbal reasoning: Coding diagrams revision

Can you find the missing code for the fifth shape?
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Non-verbal reasoning worksheet: Building 3D figures

Non-verbal reasoning: Building 3D figures

In these questions, the figure shown on the left is a 3D object. Find the top view of the figure from one of the choices.
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Non-verbal reasoning worksheet: 3D shape-building practice

Non-verbal reasoning: 3D shape-building practice

Which of the figures make up the 3D shape shown on the left?
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Non-verbal reasoning worksheet: 3D rotation revision

Non-verbal reasoning: 3D rotation revision

Which of the figures have been rotated to make the figure in the question?
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Non-verbal reasoning worksheet: 2D views of 3D shapes

Non-verbal reasoning: 2D views of 3D shapes

The figure on the left is a 3D object. Pick the correct the top view of the figure from the options available.
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Non-verbal reasoning worksheet: 2D views from different directions

Non-verbal reasoning: 2D views from different directions

A 3D shape has been given on the left. Choose the correct 2D view, as seen from the direction given by the arrow mark.
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Non-verbal reasoning worksheet: 2D shapes rotation revision

Non-verbal reasoning: 2D shapes rotation revision

In these questions, the first figure on the left is rotated by a certain angle to arrive at the second figure. By what angle has the first figure has been rotated?
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Non-verbal reasoning worksheet: 2D shape-building

Non-verbal reasoning: 2D shape-building

Which of the figures make up the 3D shape shown on the left?
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Non-verbal reasoning worksheet: 2D and 3D views practice

Non-verbal reasoning: 2D and 3D views practice

Working on 2D and 3D views of shapes will help you answer questions about 3D shape rotation. The figure on the left is a 3D object. Pick the correct the top view of the figure from the options available
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Understanding active and passive worksheet

Understanding active and passive

In each of the following cases, turn the sentence from passive to active or active to passive.
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Verbal reasoning worksheet: Words with two meanings

Verbal reasoning: Words with two meanings

Choose one word from those printed below that would fit equally well with both sets of words in the brackets. They may have a similar meaning or be connected in some other way.
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Verbal reasoning worksheet: Words hidden in a sentence

Verbal reasoning: Words hidden in a sentence

In these questions you are asked to find a four-letter word that is hidden in a sentence. The hidden word will be spread over two consecutive words.
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Verbal reasoning worksheet: Word sets: spotting the odd words out

Verbal reasoning: Word sets: spotting the odd words out

In these questions you are given five words. Three of them are connected, but the other two aren’t part of the set. Can you spot the odd words out?
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Verbal reasoning worksheet: Word sets practice

Verbal reasoning: Word sets practice

These questions are all about spotting the connections between words. Try these practice questions.
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Verbal reasoning worksheet: Word connections

Verbal reasoning: Word connections

In this question type you are asked to choose two words, one from each set of brackets, that will complete the sentence in the most sensible way. Try these practice questions to get you thinking about word connections.
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