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11 plus worksheets

Rounding decimals to the nearest whole number worksheet

Rounding decimals to the nearest whole number or one decimal place

To round a number to the nearest whole number, look at the number after the decimal point. If it is less than 5, you round down. If it is more than 5, you round up. No matter how many numbers are after the decimal point, to round to the nearest whole number you need look only at the first digit after the decimal point. Now see if you can round each of these numbers to the nearest whole number.
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Find the synonyms football worksheet

Find the synonyms

Synonyms are words that have a similar meaning. For example: ‘delighted’, ‘ecstatic’ and ‘joyful’ are all synonyms for ‘happy’. Look at the following sentences. Can you replace the green word with its synonym in the box below?
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Triangular numbers puzzle

Triangular numbers puzzle

Sam works in a supermarket stacking cans of beans. The beans are delivered in boxes of 49 and Sam has to arrange them in triangular stacks. One day, he finds that he can arrange 49 cans into 3 triangular stacks. Can you work out how Sam did this? Is there a second way of doing it?
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Triangular numbers: handshake investigation

Triangular numbers: handshake investigation

If everyone in a group of people shakes hands with everyone else, the total number of handshakes will always be a triangular number. Is this true or false? Investigate!
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Triangular numbers explained

Triangular numbers explained

A triangular number can be represented by a triangle of dots. Work out the first 20 triangular numbers (you won’t be able to draw them all!).
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Triangular numbers challenge

Triangular numbers challenge

Can you work out the rule for calculating triangular numbers?
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Simplifying fractions practice worksheet

Simplifying fractions practice

Can you reduce these sets of three fractions to their lowest form, then put them in order from smallest to largest?
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Non-verbal reasoning patterns

Non-verbal reasoning patterns

A non-verbal reasoning worksheet created by an educational expert, which provides questions and answers for non-verbal reasoning patterns (or sequences).
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Shaped number puzzle

Shaped number puzzle

Have a look at this repeating pattern of shapes and see if you can answer these tricky questions.
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Percentage problem worksheet

Percentage problem

Two teams of children are taking part in a bowling contest. There are five children on each team. Each child has ONE go at knocking down the ten skittles. Have a look at the results for each team and see if you can answer the questions.
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Follow instructions to draw shapes worksheet

Follow instructions to draw shapes

Can you follow these instructions and draw these shapes with right angles, sides and parallel lines?
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Irregular plural nouns wordsearch

Irregular plural nouns wordsearch

See if you can find all the irregular plural nouns for the following words hidden in this teacher-created wordsearch. You may need to look some of them up in the dictionary.
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Turning fractions into decimals worksheet

Turning fractions into decimals

To turn a fraction into a decimal, divide the numerator by the denominator. See if you can work out what the decimal equivalents to these fractions are. Do this in your head! Then try the next set; they are harder so you will need to use a calculator. Remember, you need to divide the numerator by the denominator. Give your answer rounded to two decimal places.
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Pronouns explained worksheet

Pronouns explained

A pronoun is a word that is used to replace a noun. We use pronouns so that we don’t have to keep repeating a noun in our writing. Which nouns would you replace with pronouns in this passage?
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Probability word problems worksheet

Probability word problems

Can you answer these tricky probability word problems? Pencil at the ready...
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Perimeter and area compared

Perimeter and area compared

The perimeter is the distance all the way around the outside of a 2D shape. Area is the amount of space a surface takes up. We measure area in square units. Can you answer these questions (it may help you to draw these shapes on centimetre-squared paper)?
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Parts of a circle worksheet

Parts of a circle

Here is a picture of a circle. Its centre is marked with a red dot. Can you measure the circle’s radius, diameter and circumference?
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Matching root words, prefixes and suffixes worksheet

Matching root words, prefixes and suffixes

On the first page of this worksheet you’ll find twenty root words. They all make sense on their own, but they could all have either a prefix (a letter string that goes at the beginning of a word) or a suffix (a letter string that goes at the end of a word) added to them. On the second page you’ll find twenty prefixes and suffixes. You need to cut out all these cards and then work out which prefix or suffix goes with each root word. To make things harder, we are not telling you which are suffixes and which are prefixes!
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Introduction to algebra worksheet

Introduction to algebra

Use this teacher-created, Year 6 resource to help your child understand what algebra is and practise solving algebra questions.
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Dashes revision worksheet

Dashes revision

Dashes can be used to show a change in thought during a sentence. They can also be used to drop some extra information into a sentence or they can also be used to create emphasis. Look through these sentences and put dashes in where you think they should go.
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