Turning fractions into decimals
How do you convert a fraction into a decimal?
Converting fractions to decimals can be a simple process once the basic concept is understood. Here’s a straightforward explanation that you can use with your child:
- Understand the fraction
Explain to your child that a fraction represents a part of a whole. The top number (numerator) shows how many parts you have, and the bottom number (denominator) shows how many equal parts the whole is divided into.
- Division method
Teach your child that converting a fraction to a decimal involves dividing the numerator by the denominator. For example, to convert 3/4 to a decimal, divide 3 by 4. This can be done using long division or a calculator for simplicity.
- Practice simple fractions
Start with easy fractions that convert neatly into decimals.
Examples include:
1/2 = 0.5
3/4 = 0.75
- Relate the process to money
Make the process relatable by using money. Explain that converting fractions is similar to dealing with money. So, 1/4 is similar to dealing with a quarter of a pound (25 pence).
How will this Turning fractions into decimals worksheet help your primary school child?
This worksheet was created by an experienced educator to help your child practise converting fractions into decimals at home. You will be given clear and easy-understand examples and explanations, followed by some questions designed for Year 6 children. See if your child can convert these fractions into decimals without using a calculator!
For more support with fractions, check out our hub page, or try a new challenge such as our Tricky fractions puzzle.
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