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Year 4 Maths worksheets

Classifying triangles worksheet

Classifying triangles

How well do you know your triangles? Label each of these triangles to show which type you think it is.
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Adding and subtracting fractions practice worksheet

Adding and subtracting fractions practice

When adding two fractions whose denominators (bottom numbers) are the same, you simply add the two numerators (top numbers) and leave the denominators the same. Can you work out these fraction additions?
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Venn diagram multiples investigation worksheet

Venn diagram multiples investigation

Venn diagrams are a great tool to help you investigate whether a statement is true or false. Use the blank diagrams below to investigate the given statements. Give at least 10 examples before deciding whether the statements are true or false.
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Using a tally chart to solve a problem worksheet

Using a tally chart to solve a problem

Penelope Pennywise is a very sensible (and scarily organised!) girl. She’s decided to make sure that she will have enough money each month to spend on her friends’ and family members’ birthdays. Here’s some information (some of it is important, some of it isn’t) about Penelope’s plan, and a list of birthdays throughout the year. Use the tally chart to help you work out how much Penelope will need to spend each month on birthdays. Will she be able to buy presents for everyone on her list?
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Proportion explained

Proportion explained

Proportion shows the amount of something out of a total amount. For instance, if I had 20 stickers and 7 of them were red, the proportion of red stickers would be 7 out of 20, or 7/20. Proportions are fractions!
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Estimating to calculate worksheet

Estimating to calculate

Before we do a calculation it’s useful to make a quick estimate. This helps because when we complete the calculation we will know if we are right or not based on the closeness to the estimation.Can you estimate the answers to the following? Remember to estimate, don’t do the working out!
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Estimate the price game

Estimate the price game

This is a game for 2 to 4 players. The aim of the game is to correctly estimate the correct price of an item. The game host holds all the item cards. Players are assigned an item and take it in turns to guess the price. The person closest to the correct answer ‘wins’ that item and is given the card. The first person with 3 cards wins!
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Roman numerals puzzle

Roman numerals puzzle

Can you complete this puzzle with the correct Roman numerals?
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Roman numerals explained

Roman numerals explained

The Roman numeral system is like a code: there are seven symbols (letters of the alphabet) that can be used to make any Roman numeral. To work out what the number is, just add the digits together! If a smaller numeral is in front of the larger numeral, you need to subtract the smaller numeral. Now you have a go...
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Roman numerals clock face

Roman numerals clock face

We still use Roman numerals today. One example of this is on clocks, where the numbers are often Roman numerals. Can you find pictures of any famous clocks with Roman numerals on?
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Ordering Roman numerals worksheet

Ordering Roman numerals

Here are the results of a Roman chariot race. Can you work out the Roman numerals then cut out the cards and put the chariots in order?
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Football maths and soccer English for KS1 and KS2

Football maths and soccer English for KS1 and KS2

Make the most of World Cup fever and give grammar, division and spelling practice a football twist with our soccer-themed worksheets for KS1 and KS2 children.
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Y4 division word problems football worksheet

Y4 division word problems

Can you answer these division word problems? They are all about football!
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Y4 football multiplication word problems

Y4 multiplication word problems

Test your multiplication skills with these football word problems.
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Y4 addition and subtraction football-themed word problems

Y4 addition and subtraction word problems

How good are your addition and subtraction skills? Find out by solving these football-themed word problems.
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Multiply and divide by 10 and 100 football worksheet

Multiply and divide by 10 and 100

Can you multiply and divide these numbers? Get ready, set...
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Mental multiplication problems: Y3, Y4, Y5 football worksheet

Mental multiplication problems: Y3, Y4, Y5

By the time they enter Y5 children should be very confident in all times tables. They should also know their division facts for each times table (if 6 x 3 = 18 then 18 ÷ 6 = 3). Use these mental maths questions to test your child.
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Calculating perimeter and area football worksheet

Calculating area and perimeter

Can you work out the perimeters of these football pitches and then work out the area of each goal?
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Fractions equivalency wall

Chart of equivalent fractions

Help your child visualise which fractions are equivalent to 1, and how fractions are related to each other with an equivalency wall, free to download.
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TheSchoolRun optional SATs papers: Y4 maths set B

Optional SATs papers: Y4 maths set B

If you'd like your child to sit a Year 4 end-of-summer-term test to check their understanding of Year 4 maths, download our subscriber-only mock optional SATs paper, written by a primary-school teacher to mirror the topics typically covered in the old-style Year 4 maths optional SATs tests.
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