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Year 5 Division worksheets

Page from Year 5 function machine worksheet

Year 5 function machine activity

Function machines are an enjoyable visual tool for children, aiding them in their understanding of various mathematical functions. Use this worksheet to practice solving equations and determining the functions behind various mathematical sums.
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Long division word problems worksheet

Long division word problems

Setting out your calculation correctly is really important in long division. Remember to write all the numbers in the right place or you’ll get confused! Can you solve these problems using long division?
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Long division explained

Long division explained

Long division is used to divide a large number by a two- (or more) digit number. It is set out in a similar way to short division. We've started off some calculations. Can you can continue each one on your own?
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Using the short division method worksheet

Using the short division method

One of the quickest ways to divide numbers is to use the short division method. Can you use this method to solve these problems?
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Solving word problems with short division worksheet

Solving word problems with short division

Work out these problems using the short division method.
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Short division word problems worksheet

Short division word problems

Can you solve these word problems using the short division method?
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Short division with remainders worksheet

Short division with remainders

Sometimes when we divide we are left with a remainder. Can you use the short division method for these calculations? Remember, you will get a remainder for each one.
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Short division practice worksheet

Short division practice

Look through this step-by-step reminder of how to use the short division method and then see if you can answer these questions.
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Dividing numbers using short division worksheet

Dividing numbers using short division

Here's a quick method to divide a four-digit number by a one-digit number. Can you use it to answer these sums?
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An introduction to short division worksheet

An introduction to short division

Do you know how to do short division? Here's a quick method to try...
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Multi-step problem-solving: all four operations worksheet

Multi-step problem-solving: all four operations

How good are you at addition, subtraction, division and multiplication? Let's find out...
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Dividing numbers by 10, 100 and 1000 worksheet

Dividing numbers by 10, 100 and 1000

Let's have a go at some division. Look at each of the numbers in the left-hand column, divide each one by 10, then divide it by 100, then by 1000.
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Multiply and divide by 10 and 100 football worksheet

Multiply and divide by 10 and 100

Can you multiply and divide these numbers? Get ready, set...
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Finding the factors of a number worksheet

Finding the factors of a number

Can you find the common factors shared by these pairs of numbers?
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Finding common factors worksheet

Finding common factors

Can you identify the common factors for these pairs of numbers?
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Find the lowest common factor worksheet

Find the lowest common factor

Can you find the lowest common factor (other than 1) shared by these pairs of numbers?
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Find the highest common factor worksheet

Find the highest common factor

Can you find the highest common factor shared by these pairs of numbers?
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Find the common factors: speed challenge

Find the common factors: speed challenge

What common factors do these sets of numbers have and how fast can you identify them all? On your marks, get set...
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KS2 Maths Puzzle Pack, TheSchoolRun

KS2 maths puzzles: Secret Agent maths

Are you ready to uncover dastardly deeds and confront super-evil villains, armed just with your mathematical skills and lots of courage? Join Oscar Octo and Penelope Penta, agents for the Geometric World Spy Agency, to track down a mysterious nemesis. There'll be a few (ok, a load!) of number puzzles to solve along the way, all designed to challenge KS2 mathematicians to the limit. Will you accept your mission?
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Choose the route: all four operations

Choose the route: all four operations

Starting with the number on the left, work out which route the boy takes to get to the orange house. Which route does he take to get to the blue house?
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