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Maths worksheets

Sort decimal numbers by size worksheet

Sort decimal numbers by size

This worksheet shows children sets of decimal numbers which they need to put into order.
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Solving subtraction money problems worksheet

Solving subtraction money problems

Number sentences involving different amounts of money, which children need to use the column method to subtract.
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Solving problems ratio and proportion worksheet

Solving problems ratio and proportion

Use these word problems to help your child practise ratio and proportion. Answers included at the bottom of the sheet.
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Recording coordinates worksheet

Recording coordinates

Use this worksheet for children to work out different coordinates according to their colour on the grid.
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Ordering numbers from largest to smallest worksheet

Ordering numbers from largest to smallest

This worksheet shows a range of numbers with one decimal place that need to be put into order from largest to smallest.
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Ordering decimal numbers practice worksheet

Ordering decimal numbers practice

This worksheet gives a range of decimal numbers for children to order, along with instructions on how to do this.
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Multiplying decimals by 10, 100 and 1000 worksheet

Multiplying decimals by 10, 100 and 1000

A worksheet to help your child understand what happens to a decimal number when it is multiplied by 10, 100 and 1000.
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Multiplying decimals worksheet

Multiplying decimals

A worksheet to show your child how to multiply a number with two decimal places by a whole number. Answers sheet included.
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Matching multiplication and division facts worksheet

Matching multiplication and division facts

Your child can use this grid to test themselves on their multiplication facts. They then need to relate their multiplication facts to their division facts.
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Make a treasure map worksheet

Make a treasure map

A worksheet encouraging children to use co-ordinates in the four quadrants by drawing up a treasure map.
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KS1 number square to 100

Number square to 100

In KS1 maths your child will learn to calculate using a number square to 100. Print out our teacher-created versions (plain, jungle-themed and very colourful!) to help them practise addition and subtraction at home.
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Using comparative vocabulary

Using comparative vocabulary

Long, longer, longest... confusing isn't it? Help your child grasp the concept of comparative measurement with this worksheet containing key vocabulary.
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