Publication type: eBook
Crosswords, wordsearches and Sudoku for KS1 and KS2 – perfect for keeping them entertained during long journeys and bored moments.
Chapter breakdown:
Banish boredom with this bumper pack of games and puzzles that will keep your child stimulated and entertained.
Fairytale characters, summer treats, seaside sandcastles and BBQ banquets feature heavily in our Travel Fun Pack – choose a quick crossword for a ten-minute challenge or print out the whole pack and take it on holiday to keep the kids busy in planes, trains and automobiles.
Some of the puzzles are easy enough for Y1 and Y2 children to complete unaided; others will keep KS2ers busy for a while.
- Crosswords
- Wordsearches
- Sodukos
- Wordokus