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Multiplication worksheets

Find the lowest common factor worksheet

Find the lowest common factor

Can you find the lowest common factor (other than 1) shared by these pairs of numbers?
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Find the highest common factor worksheet

Find the highest common factor

Can you find the highest common factor shared by these pairs of numbers?
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Find the common factors: speed challenge

Find the common factors: speed challenge

What common factors do these sets of numbers have and how fast can you identify them all? On your marks, get set...
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Number doubles puzzle

Number doubles

Starting with the numbers in the coloured squares at the bottom of each grid, work your way upwards, finding the double of each number and shading it in the same colour.
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Finding multiples of 8 worksheet

Finding multiples of 8

Can you draw a string on all the balloons which show multiples of 8?
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Multiples of 12 speed quiz

Multiples of 12 speed quiz

How quickly can you colour in all the multiples of 12 shown on this wall? Use a stopwatch to time yourself.
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Multiples of 11 speed quiz

Multiples of 11 speed quiz

How quickly can you colour in all the multiples of 11 shown on this wall? Use a stopwatch to time yourself.
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Multiples of 9 speed quiz

Multiples of 9 speed quiz

How quickly can you colour in all the multiples of 9 shown on this wall? Use a stopwatch to time yourself.
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Multiples of 8 speed quiz

Multiples of 8 speed quiz

How quickly can you colour in all the multiples of 8 shown on this wall? Use a stopwatch to time yourself.
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Multiples of 7 speed quiz worksheet

Multiples of 7 speed quiz

How quickly can you colour in all the multiples of 7 shown on this wall? Use a stopwatch to time yourself.
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Finding multiples of 12 worksheet

Finding multiples of 12

Can you draw a string on all the balloons which show multiples of 12?
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Finding multiples of 11 worksheet

Finding multiples of 11

Can you draw a string on all the balloons which show multiples of 11?
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Finding multiples of 9 worksheet

Finding multiples of 9

Can you draw a string on all the balloons which show multiples of 9?
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Finding multiples of 7 worksheet

Finding multiples of 7

Can you draw a string on all the balloons which show multiples of 7?
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12 times table word problems worksheet

12 times table word problems

Can you complete the times table chart below and use it to help you solve these word problems?
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12 times table patterns worksheet

12 times table patterns

Can you continue and complete the pattern of the 12 times table on the 100 square and answer the questions?
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12 times table maze worksheet

12 times table maze

Can you find the correct path through the maze by only colouring in the correct answers?
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11 times table word problems worksheet

11 times table word problems

Can you complete the times table chart below and use it to help you solve these word problems?
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11 times table patterns worksheet

11 times table patterns

Can you continue and complete the pattern of the 11 times table on the 100 square and answer the questions?
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11 times table maze worksheet

11 times table maze

Can you find the correct path through the maze by only colouring in the correct answers?
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