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Non fiction worksheets

Comparing books by the same author worksheet

Comparing books by the same author

Think of two books you have read, both written by the same author. Can you compare them? Write a short description of the plot of each book. Give three examples of how the books are different. Which book did you prefer? Why? Give three reasons why you enjoyed it more.
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Calligrams worksheet


Can you turn any of these words into calligrams? Be as inventive as you can! Search the internet for calligrams and be inspired!
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Analysing newspaper articles worksheet

Analysing newspaper articles

Can you find the following features in this newspaper article? Headline, caption, paragraphs, picture.
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Writing: improving sentences worksheet

Writing: improving sentences

Here are some sentences. Using some of the words below, and some of your own, too, can you try to improve them?
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Writing about a sequence of events worksheet

Writing about a sequence of events

Think about what you usually do in a day. Can you write about it in the diary below?
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Putting instructions in order worksheet

Putting instructions in order

These instructions for making chocolate crispy cakes are in the wrong order! Can you cut them out and stick them onto a plain piece of paper in order, then follow them to make some treats?
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Writing about an event worksheet

Non-fiction: writing about an event

Pretend you work for a newspaper and you’re writing about an event. It could be something that has happened in your family – perhaps you’ve been on holiday? Or maybe something that happened at school – did you go on a trip?
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Writing a glossary worksheet

Non-fiction: writing a glossary

A glossary is sometimes found in the back of a non-fiction book. It explains what words mean. Have a go at completing this glossary!
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Labels and captions

Write some labels and captions for things around your house. Place them on the items. Remember: a label is generally one to three words; a caption is a simple sentence.
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Writing non-fiction: labelling a picture

What’s your dream meal? Fill this plate with all your favourite foods and then label them so that everyone can see what they are.
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Writing lists practice worksheet

Writing lists practice

Help Wendy Witch write a list of all the ingredients she’ll need to include in her new potion.
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Writing a review

Can you use words and pictures to describe your favourite TV programme? What was it called? What happened? What did you like about it?
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Reading non-fiction texts

Choose a non-fiction book to read with your mum or dad. Can you use the contents and index pages? Use the spidergram to write about what you have learnt.
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Ordering non-fiction text: writing a plan

Think of a special event that is coming up. Use this planning sheet to help you remember what will happen when. You can use pictures as well as words.
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Non-fiction: text structure and organisation worksheet

Non-fiction: text structure and organisation

Use non-fiction books to help your child understand text structure and organisation.
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Labelling and describing words

Draw a picture of a family member then label it and add some words to describe them around the picture.
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Writing informative text worksheet

Writing informative text

Have your child pretend they're helping out a new boy or girl who's just arrived at their school by explaining all of the important things they'd need to know, from homework to PE.
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Spotting facts and opinions worksheet

Spotting facts and opinions

Use this worksheet to help your child learn to recognise sentences that are facts and sentences that are opinions.
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Write full sentences worksheet

Write full sentences

Convert basic notes about a fun day at the Natural History Museum into full sentences and paragraphs.
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Write a party invitation worksheet

Write a party invitation

What would your child's friends need to know if they were being invited to a party? Help your child think about giving information and instructions by filling in the blanks on the worksheet.
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