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Number puzzles worksheets

Capacity spinner game

Capacity spinner game

This fun game encourages your child to compare volumes using the language of measurement: full, empty, half full, quarter full, more and less.
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Addition and subtraction to 20 wordsearch

Addition and subtraction to 20 wordsearch

This fun activity is designed to support children in their addition and subtraction as well as helping them to read and spell the numbers to 20.
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3D shape Sudoku

3D shape Sudoku

Each column and row in the orange square must contain one of each 3D shape – a cylinder, a sphere, a cube and a cone. Cut out the spare shapes on the next page and practise different combinations to see if you can solve the puzzle.
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Roman numerals dice

Roman numerals dice

Use these free Roman numerals dice (six-sided and ten-sided) to help your child learn to recognise Roman numerals and practise using them in games.
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Number sequence puzzles

Number sequence puzzles

Can you solve these sequence puzzles? Once you’ve understood how they work, write your own number sequence puzzles and get an adult to solve them. How tricky can you make them?
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Magic Maths learning pack

Magic Maths

Are you ready to unleash your maths superpowers? Our number tricks will help you develop X-Ray vision, read minds, memorise hundreds of numbers and more. Add, subtract, multiply, divide and... abracadabra!
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Percentage puzzles

Percentage puzzles

Can you solve these tricky percentage problems?
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Tricky fractions puzzles

Tricky fractions puzzles

You need to be able to confidently find equivalent fractions and add, subtract and divide fractions before you try these puzzles.
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Think-of-a-number puzzles

Think-of-a-number puzzles

Here are some tricky “think of a number” puzzles. Can you solve them?
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Solving proportion puzzles

Solving proportion puzzles

To solve these proportion problems you need to be able to find fractions and percentages of amounts and compare fractions, decimals and percentages. Once you’ve solved the problems, challenge a parent or friend by writing some of your own!
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Nets of cubes puzzles

Nets of cubes puzzles

A net is what a 3D (three-dimensional) shape would look like if it were opened out flat. Find as many different nets as possible that are not the reflection of each other. There are quite a few!
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Mean, median, mode and range puzzles

Mean, median, mode and range puzzles

Use your knowledge of how to find the mean, median, mode and range to solve these problems.
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BODMAS puzzles

BODMAS puzzles

Can you write down what BODMAS means? Then make these number sentences true by putting brackets in the correct place.
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Year 3 place value quiz

Year 3 place value quiz

Ask your child to cut out the number cards below while you cut out the question card. Your child then needs to lay out all the number cards on a table, face up. Call out each question. Your child needs to find the number card that has the answer on it. If they get it right, they turn the card over. Continue until all the cards have been turned over.
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Y5 place value quiz

Y5 place value quiz

Cut out the following numbers and put them face up on a table. Now ask an adult to read out the questions below. Every time you think you’ve found the correct number, turn it over so it is face down.
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Seven- and eight-digit numbers puzzle

Seven- and eight-digit numbers puzzle

Cut out the cards below. Can you match each number card with its correct description?
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Addition magic square puzzle

Addition magic square

An addition puzzle challenge for Year 2 children, to help them practise adding number to 15.
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Maths magic square for Year 2

Maths magic square

A magic square contains the numbers 1 to 9. Each number is only used once and each row of numbers (horizontal, vertical and diagonal) must add up to 15. Can you follow the rules and work out what the missing numbers are?
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Year 6 number pyramids: multiplying Roman numerals

Year 6 number pyramids: multiplying Roman numerals

Each pair of adjacent Roman numerals need to be multiplied to make the one on top.
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Year 6 number pyramids: multiplying large numbers

Year 6 number pyramids: multiplying large numbers

Multiply the adjacent numbers and write their product in the circle above them.
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