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Ks1 worksheets

Two-digit place value arrow cards

Two-digit place value arrow cards

Arrow cards can help your child to understand place value. Ask your child to cut these cards out. Either write down or call out various two-digit numbers and ask your child to make them with their arrow cards, lining up the arrows so that the number 43, for example, is made up of the 40 card and 3 card together.
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Place value quiz

Place value quiz

Ask your child to cut out the number cards below while you cut out the question card. Your child then needs to lay out all the number cards on a table, face up. Call out each question. Your child needs to find the number card that has the answer on it. If they get it right, they turn the card over. Continue until all the cards have been turned over.
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Place value matching cards worksheet

Place value matching cards

Cut out all the cards. Each blue number is made up of two pink numbers. Can you match up the correct cards?
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Addition magic square puzzle

Addition magic square

An addition puzzle challenge for Year 2 children, to help them practise adding number to 15.
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Maths magic square for Year 2

Maths magic square

A magic square contains the numbers 1 to 9. Each number is only used once and each row of numbers (horizontal, vertical and diagonal) must add up to 15. Can you follow the rules and work out what the missing numbers are?
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First Day of school printable signs

First Day of school printable signs

Prepare for the traditional first-day-of-school photo by printing out our free school-year signs (UK school years from Reception to Year 8). New academic year, here we come!
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Year 2 Cloze test: the oak and the reeds

Year 2 Cloze test: the oak and the reeds

Look at the words at the bottom of the page. Can you work out where they should go in the text?
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Year 2 Cloze test: the mouse and the lion

Year 2 Cloze test: the mouse and the lion

Look at the words at the bottom of the page. Can you work out where they should go in the text?
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Year 2 Cloze test: the cat and the mice

Year 2 Cloze test: the cat and the mice

Look at the words at the bottom of the page. Can you work out where they should go in the text?
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Reading comprehension: THE TRAVELLERS AND THE PURSE

Reading comprehension: THE TRAVELLERS AND THE PURSE

Read this short passage and then have a go at answering the questions below.
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Reading comprehension: THE OAK AND THE REEDS

Reading comprehension: THE OAK AND THE REEDS

Read this short passage and then have a go at answering the questions below.
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Reading comprehension: THE LION AND THE MOUSE

Reading comprehension: THE LION AND THE MOUSE

Read this short passage and then have a go at answering the questions below.
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Reading comprehension: THE LION AND THE FLY

Reading comprehension: THE LION AND THE FLY

Read this short passage and then have a go at answering the questions below.
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Reading comprehension: THE FOX AND THE CRANE

Reading comprehension: THE FOX AND THE CRANE

Read this short passage and then have a go at answering the questions below.
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Reading comprehension: THE FARMER AND THE SPARROW

Reading comprehension: THE FARMER AND THE SPARROW

Read this short passage and then have a go at answering the questions below.
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Reading comprehension: THE FARMER AND THE ANGEL

Reading comprehension: THE FARMER AND THE ANGEL

Read this short passage and then have a go at answering the questions below.
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Reading comprehension: THE DONKEY AND THE PAINTING

Reading comprehension: THE DONKEY AND THE PAINTING

Read this short passage and then have a go at answering the questions below.
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Reading comprehension: THE CAT AND THE MICE

Reading comprehension: THE CAT AND THE MICE

Read this short passage and then have a go at answering the questions below.
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Reading comprehension: THE BUNDLE OF STICKS

Reading comprehension: THE BUNDLE OF STICKS

Read this short passage and then have a go at answering the questions below.
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Year 1 Cloze test: the talking tree

Year 1 Cloze test: the talking tree

Look at the words at the bottom of the page. Can you work out where they should go in the text?
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