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Ks1 English worksheets

Practise writing the days of the week

Practise writing the days of the week

Help your child practise writing the days of the week with this handwriting and spelling worksheet.
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Y1 phonics screening check 2017 past paper

Year 1 Phonics screening check 2017

The Year 1 Phonics Screening Check, administered in June, tests children's knowledge of phonics with a mixture of real and nonsense words. Look through the official past paper for 2017 to see what sort of words children are asked to read as part of the assessment.
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Key Stage 1 - 2016 English SATs Papers

Key Stage 1 - 2017 English SATs Papers

Help your child prepare for the English KS1 SATs, taken at the end of Year 2, with some at-home practice. These complete 2017 Y2 SATs past papers are the official papers from the Department for Education, used in schools.
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Year 2 Cloze test: the oak and the reeds

Year 2 Cloze test: the oak and the reeds

Look at the words at the bottom of the page. Can you work out where they should go in the text?
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Year 2 Cloze test: the mouse and the lion

Year 2 Cloze test: the mouse and the lion

Look at the words at the bottom of the page. Can you work out where they should go in the text?
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Year 2 Cloze test: the cat and the mice

Year 2 Cloze test: the cat and the mice

Look at the words at the bottom of the page. Can you work out where they should go in the text?
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Reading comprehension: THE TRAVELLERS AND THE PURSE

Reading comprehension: THE TRAVELLERS AND THE PURSE

Read this short passage and then have a go at answering the questions below.
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Reading comprehension: THE OAK AND THE REEDS

Reading comprehension: THE OAK AND THE REEDS

Read this short passage and then have a go at answering the questions below.
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Reading comprehension: THE LION AND THE MOUSE

Reading comprehension: THE LION AND THE MOUSE

Read this short passage and then have a go at answering the questions below.
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Reading comprehension: THE LION AND THE FLY

Reading comprehension: THE LION AND THE FLY

Read this short passage and then have a go at answering the questions below.
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Reading comprehension: THE FOX AND THE CRANE

Reading comprehension: THE FOX AND THE CRANE

Read this short passage and then have a go at answering the questions below.
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Reading comprehension: THE FARMER AND THE SPARROW

Reading comprehension: THE FARMER AND THE SPARROW

Read this short passage and then have a go at answering the questions below.
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Reading comprehension: THE FARMER AND THE ANGEL

Reading comprehension: THE FARMER AND THE ANGEL

Read this short passage and then have a go at answering the questions below.
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Reading comprehension: THE DONKEY AND THE PAINTING

Reading comprehension: THE DONKEY AND THE PAINTING

Read this short passage and then have a go at answering the questions below.
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Reading comprehension: THE CAT AND THE MICE

Reading comprehension: THE CAT AND THE MICE

Read this short passage and then have a go at answering the questions below.
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Reading comprehension: THE BUNDLE OF STICKS

Reading comprehension: THE BUNDLE OF STICKS

Read this short passage and then have a go at answering the questions below.
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Year 1 Cloze test: the talking tree

Year 1 Cloze test: the talking tree

Look at the words at the bottom of the page. Can you work out where they should go in the text?
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Year 1 Cloze test: the boastful man

Year 1 Cloze test: the boastful man

Look at the words at the bottom of the page. Can you work out where they should go in the text?
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Year 1 Cloze test: market visit

Year 1 Cloze test: market visit

Look at the words at the bottom of the page. Can you work out where they should go in the text?
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Reading comprehension: THE YOUNG CRAB AND HIS MOTHER

Reading comprehension: THE YOUNG CRAB AND HIS MOTHER

Reading this short story about a clever young crab, then answer the questions below.
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