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Reception Maths worksheets

Doubling and halving numbers 1-10 game

Doubling and halving numbers 1-10 game

This Reception numbers and counting game is designed to help your child to find doubles and halves of numbers and quantities up to 10. It will also help your child to recognise the relationship between doubling and halving.
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Dinosaur races: Ordinal Numbers Game

Dinosaur races: Ordinal Numbers Game

A game designed to to introduce children to ordinal numbers, which tell us an item’s position in a list (for example, first, second or third).
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Comparing numbers of coins

Comparing numbers of coins

Help your child practise comparing quantities and reinforce the language of more and less or fewer with this penny-counting worksheet.
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My Starting School Scrapbook

Starting school scrapbook

If your child is starting school in Reception, what can you do to help them make the best possible start? Find out how to lay the foundations for a great transition with our Reception starters learning pack – it's bursting with activities that focus on early English, maths and science skills, as well as supporting your child's physical and social development.
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Understanding doubling worksheet

Understanding doubling

When each of these caterpillars turns into a butterfly the number of spots it has doubles. Can you match up these caterpillars with their butterflies?
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Reception problem-solving worksheet

Reception problem-solving

Four children have put some of their marbles into a dish. They each have different-coloured marbles. Using these clues, can you work out who has which colour marbles?
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Number recognition and counting to 10

Number recognition and counting to 10

These five children each have a bag of marbles but the bags have been muddled up. Can you help them to find the right bags?
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Marble Muddle: addition and subtraction board game

Marble Muddle: addition and subtraction board game

This game is designed to support accurate counting skills, reinforce the idea of “more than” and “less than” and develop an understanding of the maths symbols + and -.
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Identifying patterns game

Identifying patterns

Can you help Captain Clumsy cross the river to get to her treasure? Her map tells her she can only cross on the stones that create a repeating pattern. Can you spot the path she needs to take and colour the last two stones the right colour?
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Five in a row: numbers 7-12

Five in a row: numbers 7-12

Help your child to count the spots accurately and then find the correct number on the game board.
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Five in a row: numbers 1-6

Five in a row: numbers 1-6

This game is designed to support early number recognition and counting skills. Help your child to count the spots accurately and then find the correct number on the game board.
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Counting to 10 practice

Counting to 10 practice

These children want to put their marbles in order, starting with the person who has the smallest number and ending with the person who has the most marbles.
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Clock puzzle

Clock puzzle

Can you solve the puzzle and stick the pieces of this clock back together?
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3D shape Sudoku

3D shape Sudoku

Each column and row in the orange square must contain one of each 3D shape – a cylinder, a sphere, a cube and a cone. Cut out the spare shapes on the next page and practise different combinations to see if you can solve the puzzle.
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The vocabulary of weight worksheet

The vocabulary of weight

Mr Elephant wants to collect the heavier objects and his friend Miss Mouse wants to collect the lighter objects. Can you help them?
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Measurement: comparing lengths worksheet

Measurement: comparing lengths

Are you the tallest person in your family or the shortest? Are the items in your home taller or shorter than you? Let's do some measuring to find out!
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Hand measurements worksheet

Hand measurements

Draw around your hand on the paper or card and cut it out. Use your cut-out hand to measure things around your house, like a toy, a cupboard door, your bed. Now ask a grown-up to draw around their hand and cut it out. Measure your objects again, using your grown-up’s hand instead of yours. What do you notice?
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Writing missing numbers 1 to 20 worksheet

Writing missing numbers 1 to 20

Fill in the missing numbers on these fruity pictures up to 20.
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Sequencing numbers 1 to 10 worksheet

Sequencing numbers 1 to 10

Can you add in the missing numbers on these number ladders?
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Counting and sticking numbers 1 to 5 worksheet

Counting and sticking numbers 1 to 5

Can you cut out the right numbers of fish and stick them on to each pond?
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