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Year 1 Maths worksheets

Year 1 Understanding Measurement Quiz

Year 1 Understanding measurement quiz

A quick and practical worksheet activity to test your child's knowledge of measurement. Work together to complete this quiz. How did you do?
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Shape spy: find 3D shapes around you

Shape spy: find 3D shapes around you

Can your child be a shape spy? Find common household items in these common 3D shapes with this activity sheet.
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Make 3D shapes worksheet

Make 3D shapes

This activity will help your child understand 3D shapes. We provide the nets of a cube, a cuboid, a cylinder and a prism. Help your child identify them and cut them out and stick them together to construct them.
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Find the 2D shapes worksheet

Find the 2D shapes

A picture of a house incorporating various 2D shapes for children to colour in given colours.
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Year 1 2D Shapes Quiz

Year 1 2D Shapes Quiz

Which shape am I? Your child can use the clues on this fun quiz sheet to identify the main 2D shapes. Answers are provided.
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Terrific Times Table cover

Terrific Times Tables

Our Terrific Times Tables pack is full of ideas and tips to help your child learn – and even enjoy it! We share practical ideas for memorising all 12 sets, as well as tips to help make practice easy. Download your pack now to reinforce your child's learning with fun games and quizzes and print out achievement certificates to reward their effort.
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Measure length using centimetres

Measure length using centimetres

This maths Key Stage 1 activity will help your child to practise using vocabulary related to length, such as 'how long', 'centimetres', 'longer than' and 'shorter than'.
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Identify 3D shapes worksheet

Identify 3D shapes

A worksheet with names of 3D shapes to match to pictures.
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Measurement: using correct vocabulary

Measurement: using correct vocabulary

Mathematical vocabulary can be confusing, so help your child master some measurement terms with this activity. Cut out the words and attach them to the animals. Which animal is the largest? The lightest? The tallest?
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Identify the value of different coins worksheet

Identify the value of different coins

This money worksheet will help your child to recognise and become more familiar with coins. It is aimed at Year 1 pupils and is ideally done with a parent or carer.
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Rank objects in order of size worksheet

Rank objects in order of size

This Year 1 maths worksheet will help your child to practise using vocabulary related to length.
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Multiplication problems (2x, 5x) worksheet

Multiplication problems (2x, 5x)

A worksheet prompting children to work out their 2x and 5x tables with the use of rows of pictures.
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Learn to count and use number names accurately

Learn to count and use number names accurately

This EYFS/Key Stage 1 worksheet will help your child to practise counting and recognising numbers, and count reliably up to 10 everyday objects. You should help your child to do this worksheet.
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Make reasonable estimates

Make reasonable estimates

This mathematics worksheet will help your child to estimate, measure using a ruler and gain an understanding of centimetres.
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Multiply by 10 worksheet

Multiply by 10

A worksheet consisting of problems involving the 10x table with spaces to draw pictures and work out the answers.
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Multiplication arrays worksheet

Multiplication arrays

An array is a different way of visualising multiplication. Can your child complete these multiplication sentences using their knowledge of arrays?
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Subtraction counting back in hops worksheet

Subtraction: counting back in hops

Help your child solve subtraction problems (up to 20) with the help of number lines and counting back in 'hops', the techniques they'll be learning at school.
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Number line jigsaw worksheet

Number line jigsaw

This worksheet consists of an empty number line for you to add your own numbers to. The number line then needs to be cut up and muddled up for your child so that they can re-arrange it into its original order.
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KS1 number square to 100

Number square to 100

In KS1 maths your child will learn to calculate using a number square to 100. Print out our teacher-created versions (plain, jungle-themed and very colourful!) to help them practise addition and subtraction at home.
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Using comparative vocabulary

Using comparative vocabulary

Long, longer, longest... confusing isn't it? Help your child grasp the concept of comparative measurement with this worksheet containing key vocabulary.
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