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Year 5 English worksheets

Expanding vocabulary worksheet

Expanding vocabulary

This worksheet encourages your child to extend their vocabulary by looking at three different adjectives and then thinking about three alternative words that could be used for each.
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Creating dramatic effects: drama and tension worksheet

Creating dramatic effects: drama and tension

An extract of text in which the writer has built up drama and suspense; children need to think about the ways in which this has been achieved.
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Creating comic effect worksheet

Creating comic effect

An extract from a playscript. Children are asked to read the text and think about the techniques used to create a comic effect.
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Building words with prefixes worksheet

Building words with prefixes

A list of words with various prefixes. Children are encouraged to find out the definition of these words using a dictionary or from their own knowledge.
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Analysing perspective worksheet

Analysing perspective

A passage of text that shows the writer has a clear perspective on a proposed supermarket. Children are encouraged to write an explanation of the writer's point of view about the development.
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Using figurative language: similes and metaphors worksheet

Using figurative language: similes and metaphors

A passage of text containing similes and metaphors. Children need to read the definition of each and then highlight each in different colours.
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Using figurative language: hyperbole and personification worksheet

Using figurative language: hyperbole and personification

A passage of text containing hyperbole and personification. Children need to read the definition of each and then highlight each in different colours.
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Figurative language review worksheet

Figurative language review

This challenging worksheet includes a description of hyperbole, metaphor, simile and personification. It then includes a piece of text containing all four types of figurative language for children to consider and highlight.
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KS2 high-frequency words flashcards

KS2 high frequency words flashcards

After learning to read and spell the most common words in Reception and KS1, your child will move on to a longer list of common words including 'brought' and 'thought'. Support their learning at home with our KS2 high frequency words practice flashcards.
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