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Year 5 Maths worksheets

Properties of 3D shapes

Properties of 3D shapes

These four shapes fit in the column on the left. Can you draw them in the correct places and name them? If you’d like to count the faces yourself, use a net of each of the shapes to make a 3D shape you can hold.
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Dividing three-digit numbers

Dividing three-digit numbers

To work out these division questions you could use the chunking method you learnt in Y5 (see Year 5 worksheets) or this quicker method. See is you can use this method to answer these tricky division questions.
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Calculating the perimeter and area of irregular shapes

Calculating the perimeter and area of irregular shapes

Once you know how to find the area of a rectangle, you can use this knowledge to find the area of irregular, compound shapes as long as they are made up of rectangles or squares. Can you calculate the area and perimeter of the shapes below?
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Answering questions on a line graph

Answering questions on a line graph

A line graph is used to show a trend over a number of days or hours. It is plotted as a series of points, joined with straight lines. Look at this line graph showi the temperature every day of last week at noon and see if you can answer the questions.
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Square numbers

Square numbers

When you multiply a number by itself, the result is a square number. Cut out these cards and see if you can pick out the square numbers.
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Ordering a set of fractions

Ordering a set of fractions

Look how Katy puts these fraction cards into order, from smallest to largest. Can you follow Katy's method and then use it to order another set of fractions?
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Drawing angles

Drawing angles

Protractors at the ready! Measure these angles then draw the correct answers to these word problems.
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Angles around a point

Angles around a point

A full turn is 360 degrees, so the angles around a point always add up to 360 degrees. Can you look at these diagrams and work out what the missing angles are, WITHOUT using a protractor?
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Translating a shape

Translating a shape

Translating a shape means moving it up or down or sideways without it changing shape or size. This shape needs to be translated 4 squares right and 3 squares up. Can you redraw it in its new location?
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Reflecting a shape

Reflecting a shape

Something is symmetrical when both sides of it are the same when cut in half. The line down the middle of a symmetrical shape is called the line of symmetry or mirror line. Can you draw this shape reflected in the mirror line?
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Reading scales and solving problems

Reading scales and solving problems

Can you read the scales and solve these potato-weight problems?
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Reading length and solving problems

Reading length and solving problems

Broomsticks at the ready to work out these length problems!
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Measuring volume and solving problems

Measuring volume and solving problems

Can you work out the answers to these tricky volume problems?
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Calculating area

Calculating area

Area is the name we use for the amount of space a surface takes up. You could measure the area of a small space like a table or a big space like the school field. We measure area in square units. Can you calculate the area of these shapes?
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Sums investigation

Sums investigation

How many different addition number sentences containing two-digit numbers can you make with these cards?
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Reading the 24-hour clock

Reading the 24-hour clock

This table shows the times each day that Mrs Smith feeds her cat, Topsy. Can you read the table then answer the questions, then change all the times into the 12-hour clock?
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Reading and plotting coordinates

Reading and plotting coordinates

Plot these four co-ordinates and then join them up to make a shape. What kind of shape is it?
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Producing a line graph

Producing a line graph

See if you can buy or borrow a thermometer for this activity. Put the thermometer outside your home somewhere safe. Take a reading of the thermometer at the following times. Write the temperature in each blank box in degrees Celsius or centigrade. Now plot a line graph with your findings. How are temperature and time of day linked?
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Interpreting a line graph

Interpreting a line graph

This line graph shows how the temperature outside Mary’s house changes over the course of one day. Can you read the graph and answer the following questions?
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Finding the mode

Finding the mode

When finding the MODE of a set of results, you need to look for the result that occurs most often. Find the mode spelling score from each of the groups in this class.
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