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Year 5 Reading comprehension worksheets

Reading comprehension: The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde

Reading comprehension: The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde

Read this passage from The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde then carefully answer the questions below.
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Reading comprehension: Martin and Margot by Amy Le Feuvre

Reading comprehension: Martin and Margot by Amy Le Feuvre

First read this extract from Martin and Margot by Amy Le Feuvre, then carefully answer the questions.
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Reading comprehension: Sara Crewe by Frances Hodgson Burnett

Reading comprehension: Sara Crewe by Frances Hodgson Burnett

Carefully read this passage from Sara Crewe, an early version of A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett, then answer the questions.
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Re-ordering words to make sentences worksheet

Re-ordering words to make sentences

Each of these groups of words makes up a sentence. Can you re-order them to reveal the sentence? You could cut the words out to help you.
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11+ cloze test: Through the Looking-Glass

Cloze test: Through the Looking-Glass

Can you work out where these words belong in this text?
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11+ cloze test: The wood at night

Cloze test: The wood at night

All these words belong in this text. Can you insert them correctly?
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11+ Cloze test: A Little Princess

Cloze test: A Little Princess

Can you work out where these words belong in this text?
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Reading comprehension: Baba Yaga

Reading comprehension: Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga is a traditional story that comes from Russia. It is a story that has been used to scare children for many decades! Can you read the story and then answer the questions at the end.
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Direct speech rules and punctuation worksheet

Direct speech rules and punctuation

Read the Baba Yaga story, the write the conversation that you think Natasha’s father (Otto) might have with his wife (Ivanka) when he banishes her from the house. Remember the rules of direct speech and punctuation.
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Reading comprehension: the myth of Perseus

Reading comprehension: the myth of Perseus

A Year 5 reading comprehension worksheet about the myth of Perseus. Read the text then answer the questions.
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Reading comprehension pack (KS2): The Stolen Book of Spells

Reading comprehension pack (KS2): The Stolen Book of Spells

Reading comprehension doesn't have to be dull! The Stolen Book of Spells offers KS2 students an engaging story, challenging questions and a riddle to solve – they'll be so immersed in the narrative they won't even realise they're working on their literacy. Answers are provided so you can mark your child's work and help them improve their ability to comprehend, decode and interpret what they read.
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Spotting facts and opinions worksheet

Spotting facts and opinions

Use this worksheet to help your child learn to recognise sentences that are facts and sentences that are opinions.
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Word choice worksheet

Word choice

Children are given a list of sentences with one word missing; they are then prompted to choose a word from the list given to improve the sentence.
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Perspective in writing worksheet

Perspective in writing

A passage of text that includes the perspective of three characters; children need to answer questions prompting them to think about the different points of view.
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Illustrating a text worksheet

Illustrating a text

Children need to read a paragraph of text and then use the imagery in it to guide them to draw a picture of what is described.
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Creating dramatic effects: drama and tension worksheet

Creating dramatic effects: drama and tension

An extract of text in which the writer has built up drama and suspense; children need to think about the ways in which this has been achieved.
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Creating comic effect worksheet

Creating comic effect

An extract from a playscript. Children are asked to read the text and think about the techniques used to create a comic effect.
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Analysing perspective worksheet

Analysing perspective

A passage of text that shows the writer has a clear perspective on a proposed supermarket. Children are encouraged to write an explanation of the writer's point of view about the development.
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Using figurative language: similes and metaphors worksheet

Using figurative language: similes and metaphors

A passage of text containing similes and metaphors. Children need to read the definition of each and then highlight each in different colours.
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Using figurative language: hyperbole and personification worksheet

Using figurative language: hyperbole and personification

A passage of text containing hyperbole and personification. Children need to read the definition of each and then highlight each in different colours.
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