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Year 6 English worksheets

Tricky spellings: words containing 'our' worksheet

Tricky spellings: words containing our

A list of sentences with words missing. Children need to choose from the list of words containing ‘our’ in order to complete the sentences.
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Tricky spellings: more words containing 'our' worksheet

Tricky spellings: more words containing our

This worksheet gives a list of words that should be spelt with ‘our’. Some are spelled correctly and some are not. Children are encouraged to look for the words that are not spelled correctly and then correct them.
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Time, place and experience in writing worksheet

Time, place and experience in writing

This worksheet gives three examples of someone’s reply to an invitation. Children are encouraged to think about who the person is and what they are replying to.
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Spelling tricky words Y6 worksheet

Spelling tricky words Y6

This worksheet involves a list of words with tricky spellings. Children need to cut out the cards and match the words to their definitions. They are then encouraged to practise spelling the words.
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Sorting simple and complex sentences worksheet

Sorting simple and complex sentences

A list of sentences which need cutting up and then sorting into two piles: ‘simple’ and ‘complex’.
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Punctuation practice worksheet

Punctuation review

Children need to read the list of sentences and then work out which punctuation marks are missing. They then need to put the sentences into the correct box.
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Extending simple sentences worksheet

Extending simple sentences

A list of simple sentences which children need to extend in order to turn them into complex sentences.
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Establishing time and place worksheet

Establishing time and place

Children need to look at two diary entries and then comment on the features that give clues as to the period in which the diary was written.
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Punctuation: commas and semi-colons worksheet

Punctuation: commas and semi-colons

A list of sentences for children to check in terms of the position of commas and semi-colons. They then need to correct any they think are wrong.
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Alphabetical order worksheet

Alphabetical order

Encourage your child to put these words with tricky spellings into alphabetical order.
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Improve your child's handwriting pack

Improve your child's handwriting in 8 weeks

Handwriting is a crucial life skill, but how can you help your child write neatly and legibly? Our eight-week learning pack is packed with information and tips from handwriting experts, as well as fun and practical steps you can take to help your child put theory into practice.
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KS2 high-frequency words flashcards

KS2 high frequency words flashcards

After learning to read and spell the most common words in Reception and KS1, your child will move on to a longer list of common words including 'brought' and 'thought'. Support their learning at home with our KS2 high frequency words practice flashcards.
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