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Year 3 Maths Learning Journey Pack

Year 3 Maths Learning Journey Pack
Publication type: eBook

TheSchoolRun's Learning Journey, compiled by Primary School teachers, includes individual programmes for every year of primary school in English and maths.

Each programme comprises 40 worksheets that cover all the core skills that your child will have been taught during the school year.

This instantly downloadable pack includes all 40 worksheets in the Year 3 maths programme.

Summary of contents:

In Year 3 maths your child will start adding and subtracting with three-digit numbers, using column addition and subtraction. They will learn their 3, 4 and 8 times tables. This will then help them in moving onto multiplying a two-digit number by a one-digit number. 

Your child will learn how to find fractions of quantities and also about equivalent fractions. They will learn about perimeter and also how to tell the time on a 12-hour and 24-hour clock. They will start to learn about right angles plus horizontal, vertical, perpendicular and parallel lines. They will need to interpret and present data using bar charts, pictograms and tables.

Support maths learning at home with 40 colourful and engaging worksheets. This mix of printable and interactive quizzes, games and activities means you can be sure your child is going to love completing them.

Published reviews:

'Learning Journeys are an excellent way to engage the children and provide them with appropriate content to extend their learning outside the classroom.' – Survey respondent

'The Learning Journey is really useful as it provides activities by year group and is flexible – you can choose to help your child work through it, or just select areas that you feel would be of most benefit to them.' – Survey respondent

‘I find the Learning Journey excellent with its topics and year groups and worksheets.’ – Survey respondent

Year 3 Maths Learning Journey Pack Year 3 Maths Learning Journey Pack