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Ks2 English worksheets

Using imperative verbs

Using imperative verbs

Learn a card trick to amaze friends and family and practise identifying and using imperative verbs in this Y4 activity worksheet.
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Apostrophes and singular nouns ending in -s

Apostrophes and singular nouns ending in -s

When a noun we want to add an apostrophe to ends in -s we add 's to show possession, according to the national curriculum. Practise the rule by punctuating some sentences.
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Key Stage 2 - 2018 English SATs Papers

Key Stage 2 - 2018 English SATs Papers

Help your child prepare for the Year 6 English SATs, taken at the end of Key Stage 2, with some revision and at-home practice. These complete 2018 Y6 SATs past papers are the official past papers from the Department for Education, used in schools.
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Year 6 proofreading: editing and improving

Year 6 proofreading: editing and improving

This information text needs punctuating and dividing into paragraphs. Try to include punctuation marks like semi colons, brackets and dashes, too.
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Year 5 proofreading: formal and informal language

Year 5 proofreading: formal and informal language

Billy has written a letter to try to persuade his local council that a new park is needed in the area. The language is very informal. Do you think his letter will be taken seriously? Your task is to keep the ideas in the letter the same but rewrite it using the more appropriate formal language that is needed when writing a persuasive letter to someone you don’t know.
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Year 4 proofreading: organising information into paragraphs

Year 4 proofreading: organising information into paragraphs

Paragraphs are used to split writing into sections; each paragraph is about a different topic. Can you cut out these sentences and organise them into paragraph groups?
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Year 3 proofreading: correcting punctuation worksheet

Year 3 proofreading: correcting punctuation

Each of the following sentences need a punctuation mark at the end. Can you choose a “.”, “?” or “!” for each one?
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Y6 criss-cross word puzzle

Y6 criss-cross word puzzle

A criss-cross puzzle has a grid like a crossword, but there are no clues; instead you must fit given words into the grid. Not easy! Can you put these Y5/Y6 spelling words into the correct slot on the criss-cross grid?
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Y5 and Y6 tricky spelling words worksheet

Y5 and Y6 tricky spelling words

Can you match up these tricky words to their correct definition? Use a dictionary to check if you’re not sure about their meaning, then use the Look, Cover, Write and Check method to learn to spell them.
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Y5 spelling: unstressed vowels worksheet

Y5 spelling: unstressed vowels

In these sentences, can you find the words with unstressed vowel sounds, underline them and circle the sound?
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Y5 and Y6 spelling wordsearch

Y5 and Y6 spelling wordsearch

Hidden in this wordsearch are some of the words from the Year 5/6 curriculum spelling list. Can you find them and highlight them?
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Y4 spelling sentences worksheet

Y4 spelling sentences

Have you been learning to spell words from the Y3/Y4 curriculum spelling words list? Find the right word to fit in each sentence.
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Y4 criss-cross word puzzle

Y4 criss-cross word puzzle

A criss-cross puzzle has a grid like a crossword, but there are no clues. Instead you must fit given words into the grid. Can you put these Y3/Y4 spelling words into the correct slot on the criss-cross grid?
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Y3 spelling: split digraphs worksheet

Y3 spelling: split digraphs

In these sentences, look for the words with a spilt digraph. Remember, you are looking for a word with an ‘e’ at the end that changes a short vowel sound into a long vowel sound (for example, mad becomes made).
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Y3 and Y4 tricky spelling words worksheet

Y3 and Y4 tricky spelling words

These words are from some of the topics studied in Year 3 and 4, but they can be hard to spell! Can you match the correct spelling with the correct definition?
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Y3 and Y4 spelling wordsearch

Y3 and Y4 spelling wordsearch

Hidden in this wordsearch are some of the words from the Year 3/4 curriculum spelling list. Can you find them and highlight them?
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Words with the prefixes dis- and re- worksheet

Words with the prefixes dis- and re-

Work out which prefix goes with each word. Then write a similar sentence for each word, once the prefix has been added, to show its new meaning.
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Using conjunctions to link sentences worksheet

Using conjunctions to link sentences

A conjunction is a word that links sentences together. Conjunctions we use all the time include: and, but, or, so, after, because, if, since, until, when. Here is a list of time conjunctions. Can you choose the right one to fit into each of the gaps in the text?
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Spelling: double consonants revision worksheet

Spelling: double consonants revision

The spelling words below, from the Y5 and Y6 list, all include a double consonant. Can you cut out the cards and arrange them to make a whole word, matching the double consonant on the first card with the end sound on the second card?
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Spelling: double consonants worksheet

Spelling: double consonants

These words have a double consonant in them. Fill in the missing double letters to complete the word.
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