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Ks2 English worksheets

Writing to explain worksheet

Writing to explain

This worksheet encourages your child to imagine that they are writing an explanatory text for a child who is new to their school.
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Writing to a friend in 1900 and the present day worksheet

Writing to a friend in 1900 and the present day

This download encourages children to write a letter to someone in the past and one to someone in the present day. They are encouraged to think about layout and style.

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Writing sentences using commas and semi-colons worksheet

Writing sentences using commas and semi-colons

A worksheet encouraging children to write sentences containing a comma or a semi-colon.
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What are simple, compound and complex sentences?

What are simple, compound and complex sentences?

Children need to read the sentences in this worksheet and then decide whether they are simple, compound or complex, using the explanation given.
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Using speech marks worksheet

Using speech marks

A list of sentences which children need to re-write using speech marks correctly.
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Using semi-colons correctly worksheet

Using semi-colons correctly

This worksheet gives a list of sentences that need to be checked for correct use of semi-colons.
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Using semi-colons and commas worksheet

Using semi-colons and commas

This worksheet gives a list of sentences that either need a comma or a semi-colon. Children need to read the explanation at the top and then decide how to modify the sentences.
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Using punctuation to improve writing worksheet

Using punctuation to improve writing

This worksheet includes a passage of text with no punctuation. Children need to read through and then re-write it with the correct punctuation.
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Tricky words practice worksheet

Tricky words practice

This worksheet lists incomplete sentences which need to be completed by choosing from the list of tricky words at the bottom.
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Tricky spellings: words ending in or worksheet

Tricky spellings: words ending in or

This worksheet lists words ending in ‘or’ that, when spoken, make the ‘er’ sound. Children need to choose the correct word to complete the sentence.
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Tricky spellings: words ending ar and ure worksheet

Tricky spellings: words ending ar and ure

This worksheet lists words that end ‘ar’ or ‘ure’. Children need to cut them up and then arrange them into the ‘correct’ or ‘incorrect’ boxes.
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Tricky spellings: words ending in al worksheet

Tricky spellings: words ending in al

This worksheet lists words that are tricky to spell ending in ‘al’. Children need to cut up the words and definitions and then match them up.
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Tricky spellings words containing 'ph' worksheet

Tricky spellings: words containing ph

Children need to cut out the words and then sort them into ‘correct’ and ‘incorrect’ piles. The words should all contain ‘ph’.
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Tricky spelling words containing 'ence' worksheet

Tricky spellings: words containing ence

A list of words ending ‘ence’ with muddled-up definitions. Children need to read the definitions and then match them to the right word.
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Tricky spellings: words containing 'our' worksheet

Tricky spellings: words containing our

A list of sentences with words missing. Children need to choose from the list of words containing ‘our’ in order to complete the sentences.
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Tricky spellings: more words containing 'our' worksheet

Tricky spellings: more words containing our

This worksheet gives a list of words that should be spelt with ‘our’. Some are spelled correctly and some are not. Children are encouraged to look for the words that are not spelled correctly and then correct them.
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Time, place and experience in writing worksheet

Time, place and experience in writing

This worksheet gives three examples of someone’s reply to an invitation. Children are encouraged to think about who the person is and what they are replying to.
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Spelling tricky words Y6 worksheet

Spelling tricky words Y6

This worksheet involves a list of words with tricky spellings. Children need to cut out the cards and match the words to their definitions. They are then encouraged to practise spelling the words.
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Sorting simple and complex sentences worksheet

Sorting simple and complex sentences

A list of sentences which need cutting up and then sorting into two piles: ‘simple’ and ‘complex’.
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Punctuation practice worksheet

Punctuation review

Children need to read the list of sentences and then work out which punctuation marks are missing. They then need to put the sentences into the correct box.
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