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Reading comprehension: THE WOLF AND THE DONKEY

Reading comprehension: THE WOLF AND THE DONKEY

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Reading comprehension: THE TORTOISE AND THE DUCKS

Reading comprehension: THE TORTOISE AND THE DUCKS

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Reading comprehension: THE OWL AND THE GRASSHOPPER

Reading comprehension: THE OWL AND THE GRASSHOPPER

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Reading comprehension: THE FOX AND THE STORK

Reading comprehension: THE FOX AND THE STORK

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Reading comprehension: THE FARMER AND HIS SONS

Reading comprehension: THE FARMER AND HIS SONS

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Year 2 Cloze test: the oak and the reeds

Year 2 Cloze test: the oak and the reeds

Look at the words at the bottom of the page. Can you work out where they should go in the text?
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Year 2 Cloze test: the mouse and the lion

Year 2 Cloze test: the mouse and the lion

Look at the words at the bottom of the page. Can you work out where they should go in the text?
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Year 2 Cloze test: the cat and the mice

Year 2 Cloze test: the cat and the mice

Look at the words at the bottom of the page. Can you work out where they should go in the text?
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Reading comprehension: THE TRAVELLERS AND THE PURSE

Reading comprehension: THE TRAVELLERS AND THE PURSE

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Reading comprehension: THE OAK AND THE REEDS

Reading comprehension: THE OAK AND THE REEDS

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Reading comprehension: THE LION AND THE MOUSE

Reading comprehension: THE LION AND THE MOUSE

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Reading comprehension: THE LION AND THE FLY

Reading comprehension: THE LION AND THE FLY

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Reading comprehension: THE FOX AND THE CRANE

Reading comprehension: THE FOX AND THE CRANE

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Reading comprehension: THE FARMER AND THE SPARROW

Reading comprehension: THE FARMER AND THE SPARROW

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Reading comprehension: THE FARMER AND THE ANGEL

Reading comprehension: THE FARMER AND THE ANGEL

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Reading comprehension: THE DONKEY AND THE PAINTING

Reading comprehension: THE DONKEY AND THE PAINTING

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Reading comprehension: THE CAT AND THE MICE

Reading comprehension: THE CAT AND THE MICE

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Reading comprehension: THE BUNDLE OF STICKS

Reading comprehension: THE BUNDLE OF STICKS

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Year 5 Cloze test: the ship in the storm

Year 5 Cloze test: the ship in the storm

This is a passage from Swiss Family Robinson, a novel written in 1812 by Johann David Wyss. It is about a family that get shipwrecked and have to survive on a tropical island. It is written from the point of view of the father, William. Some of the words in the text are missing. Can you complete the text by filling in one missing letter per box?
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