Subtraction worksheets
Free worksheets: Subtraction, KS2
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Money word problems: Subtraction
Work out the answers to these money word problems by using subtraction
Partitioning numbers to subtract
When solving problems using a number line your child will learn to partition the number and count back. This worksheet explains the technique and offers some subtraction problems for your child to practise on.
Solving two-step word problems
Can you solve these problems? Jot down the numbers you need to use on the notebooks. Think about the steps needed to work out these problems and jot numbers down as you go along. Ask a parent if you need help finding one half and one fifth of a number.
Solving subtraction money problems
Number sentences involving different amounts of money, which children need to use the column method to subtract.
Adding and subtracting fractions worksheet
Can you add and subtract fractions? See if you can work out the answers to these calculations in this teacher-created maths worksheet...
Year 4 function machine activity
Function machines are a fun visual aid for children that can help them learn about different mathematical functions. Use this worksheet to practise solving equations and finding the functions of different sums.
More or fewer apples and acorns
Sammy squirrel is struggling to learn the difference between the words more and fewer. Can you help him by making apples or acorns for the trees?
First addition and subtraction practice
Complete the simple additions and subtractions, then cut out the pieces of the puppy’s house. Help your child stick them on the background picture one at a time in the correct order, based on the answers to the calculations.
One Less Board Game: numbers 0-20
This game is designed to help your child practise the skill of finding one less than a given number.
Subtracting negative numbers practice
Subtracting negative numbers can seem tricky, but there are rules to follow to make things more straightforward. Remembering these rules will help you to calculate answers without using a number line. Look at the rules then try applying them to these calculations.
How to subtract negative numbers
When we are measuring temperatures we often use negative numbers. Complete this activity using a thermometer to help subtract (or find the difference between) a pair of negative numbers or a positive number and negative number.
Adding and subtracting negative numbers puzzle
Can you fill in the missing numbers to make each puzzle correct? Take care with the negative numbers!
Division as repeated subtraction
An introduction to the method of ‘repeated subtraction’ (also called chunking), useless when we are dividing large numbers.
Marble Muddle: addition and subtraction board game
This game is designed to support accurate counting skills, reinforce the idea of “more than” and “less than” and develop an understanding of the maths symbols + and -.
Addition and subtraction to 20 wordsearch
This fun activity is designed to support children in their addition and subtraction as well as helping them to read and spell the numbers to 20.
Incomplete number sentences addition and subtraction
The number sentencesin this worksheet each have one number or one symbol (+ or -) missing. Can you work out what it is and add it in?
Bridging through tens: subtraction
When you subtract a one-digit number from a two-digit number, it can be helpful to use the bridging method as it will help you to do similar subtractions in your head. Can you use this method to answer these sums?
Bridging through 10: subtraction
When we subtract a one-digit number from a two-digit number, it can be helpful to use the ‘bridging’ method. Can you use this method to work out these sums?
Make a number game
Each of the two players must take it in turns to roll both dice to get two numbers. Now add or subtract with them anyway you want. Mark off the answer on the board with one of your counters. The winner is the person with the most counters on the board at the end of the game.
Debit and credit game
Play around the board game. When you land on a colour you must pick up that colour card and complete the calculation to work out your balance. If you calculate incorrectly, another player should tell you and you will be given an extra -£1 penalty. However, if they miscalculate they get the -£1 penalty. The aim of the game is to make it around the board with the most money at the end.
Y3 problems involving all four operations
Can you work out the answers to these questions? You'll need to use your knowledge of addition, subtractions, division and multiplication!
Subtraction problems with a number line
Can you use a number line to solve these subtraction problems? Let's find out...
Simple subtraction word problems for Y2
Have a go at these subtraction word problems and see how well you do.
Multi-step problem-solving: all four operations
How good are you at addition, subtraction, division and multiplication? Let's find out...