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Subtraction worksheets

Subtracting three-digit numbers: the number line method

Subtracting three-digit numbers: the number line method

When subtracting three-digit numbers you can use a number line to help you. This method looks like adding, because it starts with the smaller number and then counts on to the bigger number to find the difference between the two numbers. You then add up all the jumps you have made on the top. Use this method to work out these sums.
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Checking calculations with the inverse operation worksheet

Checking calculations with the inverse operation

Can you use the inverse to check if these number sentences are correct? Remember: check a division number sentence is correct by multiplying the two smaller numbers to see if they make the bigger number; check a subtraction number sentence by adding the two smaller numbers to see if they make the bigger number.
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Using a calculator for two-step problems worksheet

Using a calculator for two-step problems

You can use a calculator for these two-step problems. What calculations will you need to do? Think hard about what numbers you need to key in and what you will need to write down as you go along.
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Subtracting three-digit numbers worksheet

Subtracting three-digit numbers

When subtracting three-digit numbers, there are three different methods you can use. Work out these subtractions using whichever method you find easiest.
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Solving two-step problems worksheet

Solving two-step word problems

Can you solve these problems? Jot down the numbers you need to use on the notebooks. Think about the steps needed to work out these problems and jot numbers down as you go along. Ask a parent if you need help finding one half and one fifth of a number.
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Adding and subtracting multiples of 10, 100 and 1000 worksheet

Adding and subtracting multiples of 10, 100 and 1000

Try this quick mental maths checker – adding and subtracting multiples of 10, 100 and 1000. Colour in a star every time you get 10/10!
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Adding and subtracting multiples of 1000: word problems worksheet

Adding and subtracting multiples of 1000: word problems

Can you work out the answers to these word problems? Use the number line to help you!
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Adding and subtracting multiples of 100 worksheet

Adding and subtracting multiples of 100

Practise adding these multiples of a hundred. To help you, remember: 1. Start with the bigger number first when adding. 2. Imagine the numbers don’t have zeros on them. 3. Use the number line for the number sentences in the right hand column.
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Adding and subtracting multiples of 10 worksheet

Adding and subtracting multiples of 10

Practise adding these multiples of ten. To help you, remember: 1. Start with the bigger number first when adding. 2. Imagine the numbers don’t have zeros on them.
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Writing subtraction word problems worksheet

Writing subtraction word problems

Complete these calculations then write a subtraction word problem to go with the numbers. You could draw a picture to go with each problem, too! Don’t forget to use words like ‘were left’ and ‘in total’.
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Subtraction bingo

Subtraction bingo

Let's play bingo! Each player has a board. The caller reads out a calculation question from the list. The person who has the correct answer on their board puts a counter on top of it. The winner is the player who covers all the numbers on their board first.
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Mental subtraction speed cards

Mental subtraction speed cards

Cut out the speed cards and turn them face down on the table. Pick up two cards. Take the smallest number away from the largest and say the answer, as quickly as you can!
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Matching number bonds to 20 worksheet

Matching number bonds to 20

Can you find the pairs of numbers that make 20? This is a great way to practise all your number bonds to 20.
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Know your Y2 number facts speed quiz

Know your Y2 number facts speed quiz

How good are you at answering tricky maths questions? Ask a grown-up to time how long it takes you to say the answer to these questions! Ready, set, go...
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Finding ten more or ten less worksheet

Finding ten more or ten less

Coloured pencils at the ready! Can you colour in the right numbers to answers these questions? You are going to be finding 10 more or 10 less than a number in a number square.
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Finding change word problems worksheet

Finding change word problems

Here are some tricky number problems. Can you solve them? Use the number line snake to help if you want!
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All in my head addition and subtraction game

All in my head addition and subtraction game

Cut out and assemble the number dice. Two players take it in turns to throw one die, then the other. Each player adds (or subtracts) the two numbers thrown, then writes down the answer on the scorecard (next page) and asks the other person to check it. The player with the most correct answers after ten goes each is the winner.
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10 more or less number cards

10 more or less number cards

Can you add or take away 10? Cut out the number cards and turn them face down on a table. Pick up one card at a time. Write down the number, then write 10 more and 10 less than that number in the scorecard columns.
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Subtracting two-digit numbers on a number line worksheet

Subtracting two-digit numbers on a number line

When subtracting it is sometimes helpful to think of the DIFFERENCE between the smaller number and the larger number. You can work this out on a number line. Try using a number line to work out these questions. (Remember to jump to the next tens number first and then keep jumping in tens.)
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Y3 problem-solving: subtraction worksheet

Y3 problem-solving: subtraction

Use your subtraction skills to answer these questions. How quickly can you finish them all?
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