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Year 2 Maths worksheets

Identifying odd and even numbers

Identifying odd and even numbers

Practice identifying odd and even numbers with this colour in worksheet. Can your child see a pattern, and perhaps even be able to say the next number in the pattern?
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Find the 2D shapes worksheet

Find the 2D shapes

A picture of a house incorporating various 2D shapes for children to colour in given colours.
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Terrific Times Table cover

Terrific Times Tables

Our Terrific Times Tables pack is full of ideas and tips to help your child learn – and even enjoy it! We share practical ideas for memorising all 12 sets, as well as tips to help make practice easy. Download your pack now to reinforce your child's learning with fun games and quizzes and print out achievement certificates to reward their effort.
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Identify 3D shapes worksheet

Identify 3D shapes

A worksheet with names of 3D shapes to match to pictures.
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Identify odd and even numbers worksheet

Identify odd and even numbers

This Year 2 maths worksheet will help your child to understand and identify odd and even numbers.
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Multiply by 10 worksheet

Multiply by 10

A worksheet consisting of problems involving the 10x table with spaces to draw pictures and work out the answers.
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Learning about symmetry activity

Learning about symmetry

This Year 2 maths download will help your child to recognise reflective symmetry in familiar 2D shapes and patterns.
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Subtraction to 20 worksheet

Subtraction to 20

This worksheet consists of subtraction number sentences with a snake number line to help with working out.
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The language of subtraction worksheet

The language of subtraction

Worksheet involving subtraction questions using the words 'subtract', 'take away' and 'take from'.
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Understand odd and even numbers worksheet

Understand odd and even

Introduce the concepts of odd and even to your child with this worksheet, which helps them practise grouping #sweets#. Even more fun when done with the real thing!
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2003 Maths SATs Papers

Key Stage 1 - 2003 Maths SATs Papers

Download and print this complete set of maths SATs papers from 2003 to assist your child in preparing for the tests.
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Collecting data: pictograms

Collecting data: pictograms

A pictogram is a simple way to organise data in which each object is represented by a picture of itself. Introduce your child to the concept and offer a fruit-tastic practice activity to help them understand the concept.
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Practise estimating numbers worksheet

Practise estimating numbers

Practise estimating numbers by doing an experiment and guessing how many pegs you can hold in your hand. Repeat the experiment using marbles and enter the data in a table.
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Collecting data quickly block graphs worksheet

Collecting data quickly

This worksheet will help your child to develop data handling skills and understanding by asking them to conduct a die investigation and complete a block graph.
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Key Stage 1 SATs Maths practice papers set A TheSchoolRun

Key Stage 1 SATs Maths practice papers A

Use our KS1 Maths SATs practice papers (based on the pre-2016 SATs format), designed to replicate the kind of questions your child will answer in the Year 2 test, to offer them extra practice in completing a paper.
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Doubling a number worksheet

Doubling a number

This worksheet asks your child to solve word problems involving doubling with the help of pictures of coins.
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Key Stage 1 - 2004 Maths SATs Papers

Key Stage 1 - 2004 Maths SATs Papers

Download and print this complete set of Maths SATs papers from 2004 to assist your child in preparing for the tests.
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KS1 number square to 100

Number square to 100

In KS1 maths your child will learn to calculate using a number square to 100. Print out our teacher-created versions (plain, jungle-themed and very colourful!) to help them practise addition and subtraction at home.
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