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Year 2 Subtraction worksheets

Cool Maths Games for kids learning pack

Cool maths games for kids

Add an extra learning dimension to family game time – try one of our Cool Maths board games and help reinforce your child's knowledge of number bonds, percentages and fractions while you play. Compiled by deputy headteacher Matt Revill and packed with 20 games, this maths learning pack covers all the key skills your child will need to master as part of the primary numeracy curriculum.
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Subtraction to 20 worksheet

Subtraction to 20

This worksheet consists of subtraction number sentences with a snake number line to help with working out.
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The language of subtraction worksheet

The language of subtraction

Worksheet involving subtraction questions using the words 'subtract', 'take away' and 'take from'.
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KS1 number square to 100

Number square to 100

In KS1 maths your child will learn to calculate using a number square to 100. Print out our teacher-created versions (plain, jungle-themed and very colourful!) to help them practise addition and subtraction at home.
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