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Applications and appeals articles

Child holding parent's hand
Primary school appeals: insights from a head teacher
If your child hasn't secured a spot at their desired school, it's natural to feel concerned and have questions about the school admissions process. In this week's School Savvy blog, we put these questions to our experienced primary school headteacher, Matt Revill, who gives us his expert insight into the appeals process.
Secondary school appeals
Can you successfully appeal your secondary school offer?
As secondary school offers arrive, many families find themselves contemplating their next move, including the possibility of appealing. Drawing from his wealth of experience as a primary-school head, Matt Revill provides invaluable guidance on navigating the often-daunting appeals process in this week's School Savvy blog.
Best literacy resources
Best literacy resources
Whether your child is just learning to read and print letters or looking for ways to put their creative writing skills to the test, we've rounded up some fantastic resources to help them practise phonics, grammar, story-writing and comic-creating at home. Plus there are loads of different ways to connect with authors and listen to stories.
What is a school nursery?
What is a school nursery?
Nursery classes are a stepping stone between pre-school and Reception. We take a look at what happens in school nurseries, and the pros and cons of applying for a place.
Understanding primary school league tables
Understanding primary school league tables
We explain how performance measures are used to rank primary schools in England.
Moving house for school places: what the law says
Moving house for school places: what the law says
Considering moving house or renting a property to secure a place at your first choice of school? We have the facts you need to know.
Grammar school appeal template
Secondary school appeals template: grammar schools
Appealing the decision not to award your child a grammar school place? Use our sample letter to get the ball rolling.
Secondary school appeals letter template
Step-by-step secondary school appeals template
If your child has missed out on their first choice of secondary school, use our free non-selective school appeals letter template to get your appeal rolling.
What are banding tests?
What are secondary school banding tests?
They’re used to ensure schools admit pupils across a range of abilities, but how do banding tests actually work?
Primary school appeals letter template
Primary school appeals template: junior and middle schools and KS2
Has your child missed out on a place at their chosen junior or middle school, or in KS2? Use our template to help prepare your appeal.
School appeals template letter
Primary school appeals template: Reception and KS1
If your child has missed out on a place at your preferred school, use this template as a basis for your appeal.
KS3 and KS4 curriculum
The parents' guide to secondary school: KS3 and KS4 explained
What will your child learn at school in KS3 and KS4? We take a look at the secondary school curriculum from Year 7 up.
Secondary school pupils
The parents' guide to secondary school: types of school
Not sure whether your child would do best at an academy, free school or grammar school? We explain the different types of secondary school.
Secondary school performance measures explained for parents
The parents' guide to secondary school: performance measures
Every parent wants their child to go to a secondary school that will help them reach their potential. We explain how to interpret the league tables.
Children playing in school playground
'Help! My child hasn't been offered a school place!'
Every year, a number of parents face the nightmare of not being offered a Reception place for their child in any local school. We explain what to do if the worst happens.
School starting age in the UK
School starting age and deferred entry explained for parents
When does your child legally have to start their education, and what happens if you don't think they’re ready? We explain the rules around your child’s first day at primary school in England.
12+ and 13+ explained for parents
What is the 12+/13+ late transfer test?
If your heart is set on a grammar school place for your child but they didn't pass the 11+ you could consider late transfer test. We explain the process for entry at 12+ or 13+.
Equal preference explained
What is the equal preference system?
How do schools take your rankings into account when you apply for a place? We explain how equal preference works.
Primary school appeals
Primary school appeals: a step-by-step guide
Finding out your child hasn’t got a place at your preferred primary school can be devastating. We explain how to appeal the decision with our step-by-step guide to what to do when.
Secondary school applications
Choosing a secondary school: 10 crucial questions to ask
When you're faced with finding the best secondary school for your child it can be easy to focus on schools' settling-in strategies for Year 7 pupils, but it's vital to look beyond these initial worries and seek answers to questions which will affect your child several years down the line. Moira Holden reports.
Little girl reading
Reading primary school Ofsted reports: teacher tips for parents
Whilst many of us don’t get to actually choose which primary school our children go to, it always helps to be well informed about a school’s ethos and achievements. Teacher and education writer Phoebe Doyle offers advice on reading Ofsted reports, questions to ask and what to look out for during school visits.
High school sign
School admissions appeals panel hearings: a step-by-step guide
After you’ve sent in your appeals form to try to reverse a school’s decision and admit your child, you’ll be able to present your case in front of a panel. Read on to find out what happens in appeals panel hearings, and how to gather all the essential details you need.
School admissions appeals forms: a step-by-step guide
School admissions appeals forms: a step-by-step guide
If you’ve just found out that your child hasn’t got a place in the school they wanted, the good news is that you can appeal the decision. Read our comprehensive guide on how to write a good appeals form and what information you need to include.
Secondary children stood in a line
Your guide to choosing a secondary school
Looking at and choosing prospective secondary schools is an important mission. It’s likely that your child will spend at least the next five years at the school they get into, which means the decision is a weighty one. Here are our tips on making the right choice of school.
Girl smiling in class
Handy help choosing a school
Selecting a primary or secondary school for your child? We take a look at the factors that you should be considering to make sure you pick the best match for your child.
A Parent's Guide to Secondary School cover
Your questions answered: choosing, applying to and appealing secondary school places
We invited education author Dr Kim Thomas to talk to TheSchoolRun’s parents about navigating secondary school choices. Read on for her top tips.
Dad and daughter smiling
Didn't get your first choice school? How to turn it around
If you child won’t be going to their first choice secondary school, how do you make the best of it? Camilla Chafer investigates.
Woman's hand writing
10 common secondary school application mistakes
Applying for a job is a walk in the park compared to choosing, applying for and getting your child into your preferred secondary school. In the next few frantic weeks, half a million families will be putting pen to paper – so make sure your application form doesn’t contain any of their common mistakes.
Secondary school ICT
13 things you must look for during a secondary school visit
Starting the secondary school application process and feeling a bit clueless? We quizzed the experts (and the parents who’ve been there and done it) to find out what you should look out for when touring schools.