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Social and emotional skills articles

Happy bunch of children
How music can soothe hyperactivity
Some experts believe that music has the power to soothe and relax a child with hyperactivity and can help them control their own behaviour. We explore this fascinating theory with tips on how to try it with your child.
Teamwork in primary school
How to teach your child teamwork
We take a look at the importance of building team skills from a young age, and what you can do to support your child.
How singing can support children’s learning
Singing can support children’s learning and emotional development. We take a look at how a good sing-song could help your child.
Girl engrossed in her computer
The benefits of blogging for your child
Blogs are a great way to help children use ICT to express themselves but keeping them safe online is vital. Read our advice on safe blogging and how it can help your child learn.
Child with their head between their knees
What to do when your child hates school
Frequent sick-days and a general reluctance to go in are signs that your child is not enjoying their school experience. Follow this expert advice on how to address and resolve these issues.
Happy girl reading book
What is primary SEAL?
SEAL promotes social and emotional literacy in children and equips them with the skills they need to lead a healthy, happy life. We explore the different aspects and how you can get involved.