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Free Times Tables Funpack


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Want even more FREE times tables worksheets and games?

You'll find lots of resources to make times tables learning fun, including times tables puzzles and games, interactive tutorials and times tables worksheets, matching challenges, speed grids and quick quizzes in our Times Tables hub. Here are some FREE times tables worksheets to get you started. You'll just need to log in to the site to download them.

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The Times Tables Learning Journey Programme: includes downloadable and interactive worksheets and games on all the times tables (2x to 12x) and runs in the same order that children learn the tables at school. 

Interactive times tables tutorials: Let our digital teacher show you some clever techniques for learning each table, then have a go at answering the on-screen questions. PLUS Complete practice multiplication tables checks and see if you are ready for the Year 4 times tables test.

Terrific Times Tables: Our Terrific Times Tables pack is full of ideas and tips to help your child learn – and even enjoy it! We share practical ideas for memorising all 12 sets, as well as tips to help make practice easy.

Times Tables practice book: Make times tables revision easy by downloading our 90-page practice book. It covers all the tables from 2 to 12 and offers quizzes, speed challenges and more to help your child master this vital area of primary maths. Practice makes perfect!

You could try out ALL these briliant times tables resources, as well as all the other subscriber-only content on the site, with a FREE 14-day trial to TheSchoolRun.

times_tables_funpack_theschoolrun.pdf (7.01 MB)