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Year 1 Addition worksheets

Find all the pairs that make 10

Find all the pairs that make 10

How fast can you find all the pairs of numbers that make ten? Why not do it against the clock... can you improve your time with practice?
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Number bonds: pairs to ten

Number bonds: pairs to ten

Your child can practice pairs - or should that be 'pears' to 10 with this fruity worksheet? How many different ways can the fruit be arranged in the pink and blue bowls?
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Match up the number bonds to 10

Match up the number bonds to 10

You child will be able to identify the pairs of numbers that make ten with this number bonds worksheet.
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Add and subtract numbers in your head

Add and subtract numbers in your head

This maths game will help your child to practise adding and subtracting numbers in their head. It is suitable for Key Stage 1 pupils.
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Subtraction counting back in hops worksheet

Subtraction: counting back in hops

Help your child solve subtraction problems (up to 20) with the help of number lines and counting back in 'hops', the techniques they'll be learning at school.
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KS1 number square to 100

Number square to 100

In KS1 maths your child will learn to calculate using a number square to 100. Print out our teacher-created versions (plain, jungle-themed and very colourful!) to help them practise addition and subtraction at home.
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