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Year 6 Reading comprehension worksheets

Reading comprehension: An argument for zoos

Reading comprehension: An argument for zoos

A zoos a good place for animals to live or not. Here is an argument for zoos. Read it and see if you agree with the writer's viewpoint or not.
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Reading comprehension: An argument against zoos

Reading comprehension: An argument against zoos

Do you think zoos are a good thing? Read this interesting argument against zoos and see if you agree with the writer's opinion or not.
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Reading comprehension: The goblin’s curse

Reading comprehension: The goblin’s curse

Read this exciting story of a goblin who puts a terrible curse on a sick queen, then see if you can answer the questions that follow.
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Reading comprehension: a biography of Winston Churchill

Reading comprehension activity: biography of Winston Churchill

This KS2 reading comprehension activity was created by an experienced teacher to help build your primary-school child's comprehension strategies and skills.

Winston Churchill is an important figure in history because he was Prime Minister of Britain during the Second World War. Read this biography and then see if you can answer the questions.
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Summarising paragraphs

Summarising paragraphs

The author of ‘The stolen spy kit’ has split the story into eight paragraphs. Read through the story again and think about why the text has been split up this way. Can you write a phrase that sums up each paragraph in these boxes?
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Reading comprehension: The stolen spy kit

Reading comprehension: The stolen spy kit

Read this tense tale about a stolen spy kit and then see if you can answer the questions.
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Powerful verbs in direct speech

Powerful verbs in direct speech

Start by reading 'The stolen spy kit' then imagine that Matthew decides to tell his mum about the Spy Kit. What might he say to her? How do you think she would reply? Write the conversation they might
have. Remember the rules of speech!
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Reading comprehension pack (KS2): The Stolen Book of Spells

Reading comprehension pack (KS2): The Stolen Book of Spells

Reading comprehension doesn't have to be dull! The Stolen Book of Spells offers KS2 students an engaging story, challenging questions and a riddle to solve – they'll be so immersed in the narrative they won't even realise they're working on their literacy. Answers are provided so you can mark your child's work and help them improve their ability to comprehend, decode and interpret what they read.
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Reading comprehension: The journey worksheet

Reading comprehension: The journey

Read this short passage about taking a train journey to France, then answer questions based on the text.
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Reading to interpret worksheet

Reading to interpret

Help your child unlock hidden meaning in text with this worksheet about colour association. After reading an explanation and examples, can they put their knowledge into practice in their own writing? Suggested answers are included so you can look over their work and help them improve it.
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Reading comprehension: finding evidence in a text worksheet

Reading comprehension: finding evidence in a text

This activity, aimed at Year 7 or advanced primary school pupils, will help your child analyse and break down a text to find evidence for their answers. What words have been used to create an impact? What images have been painted for the reader? Work through this activity step by step to practise reading comprehension.
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Understanding text: purpose and target audience worksheet

Understanding text: purpose and target audience

Time for some text analysis! Can your child identify the purpose and target audience of different types of text which all relate to the same subject? They will need to look for key words to help them prove their point.
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Finding clues in text worksheet

Finding clues in text

Test reading comprehension skills with some thorough analysis of a short piece of text. What atmosphere, emotion and setting does the writer convey? What effective techniques are used? A KS3 worksheet, also suitable to stretch gifted Year 6 pupils.
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Establishing time and place worksheet

Establishing time and place

Children need to look at two diary entries and then comment on the features that give clues as to the period in which the diary was written.
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