Everything you need to support your child's education...
... is just a click away
Want to support your child's primary school learning at home?
As a subscriber to TheSchoolRun, we'll create a tailored learning plan for your child to follow each week. The plan follows the National Curriculum and will ensure your child's learning stays on track throughout the school year.
You'll also gain full access to all of our English, maths and science worksheets, our learning packs and workbooks, our interactive maths tutorials and test preparation resources, including the Phonics Screening Check, SATs & 11+. Read on to find out what TheSchoolRun has to offer, and why you should join today.
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Support your child for the whole of their primary school journey!
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- Help your child achieve their full potential by following our weekly learning plan, tailored to their school year. (Our subscribers tell us this alone has increased their child’s ability by one whole school year!)
- Understand your child’s individual learning goals after using our exclusive termly Progress Checks.
- Target specific topics with our colourful English, maths, science and SATs worksheets and activities.
- Let our digital teacher explain tricky maths topics and then answer on-screen questions in our interactive tutorials.
- Find the facts you need with advice, support and plain-English information about all aspects of school life.
- Boost their confidence in national tests, with our bespoke practice papers and revision courses for KS1 & KS2 SATs, Year 1 Phonics Screening Checks, Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation (SPAG) tests, Optional SATs and the 7+ and 11+.
- Master tricky topics (fractions, decimals, phonics, spelling, grammar and many more) with in-depth learning packs and workbooks: 50+ pages of information and colourful activities developed to ensure your child really understands primary English and maths.

Exclusive practice papers & revision courses
SATs: Our resources will help your child prepare for SATs, and increase your knowledge of what the tests involve. Our practice papers come with inside advice on how to take the tests and how to mark the papers. Plus we have SATs workbooks for KS1 & KS2 with helpful revision techniques and study skills and a unique SATs revision course for both KS1 and KS2 SATs and a SATs Challenge programme.
Phonics Screening Check: We have a complete phonics programme, which takes your child through each of the phonics phases. We also have two phonics workbooks: Fabulous Phonics and Phonics Games. And we have 10 mock tests to help your Year 1 child prepare for the Check.
7+: Our 7+ programme includes worksheets that cover the English and maths skills required to complete the 7+ found in most of the sample papers.
11+: Work through our 11+ programme to cover all the skills that your child will have to master by the time they sit the 11+ test.

The Learning Journey
The Learning Journey includes programmes for English, maths and science for each year of primary school (Nursery to Year 6). Each programme has 40 worksheets that cover the key areas of learning that are taught in that school year.
Become a subscriber and we'll create a tailored learning plan for your child and update it every week with resources from the individual Learning Journey programmes.
Check out your child's learning plan each week and you'll find targeted resources for your child's school year, which track the National Curriculum. We've mixed colourful worksheets with interactive tutorials, fun activities and games, so your child will love completing them!
And just in case you forget to log in, we'll also email you every Wednesday with links to the week's resources, as well as top tips from our teachers on how to complete them.
If you follow the learning plan, you can be confident that by the end of the school year you'll have covered all the core topics they need to have learned that year. There are also topic-specific Learning Journeys programmes as well as Progress Checks for your child to take at the end of every school term.

Interactive maths tutorials
Looking for teacher tips to help your child learn times tables, a step-by-step guide to finding common multiples or factors or an explanation of how number bonds to 10 work? Our digital primary school teacher can help!
Check out TheSchoolRun's interactive maths tutorials, interactive video guides to primary school topics and techniques.
In each tutorial, our digital teacher explains the topic, shows you and your child examples of it and then gives your child a chance to practise what they've learned by completing on-screen tasks.
Tutorials are available to TheSchoolRun subscribers only but here are three you can try for free: Learning the 4 times table tutorial, Long multiplication tutorial and Finding multiples tutorial.
Why parents love TheSchoolRun.com
'I genuinely don't know what I would do without TheSchoolRun. Every day when my son gets home he downloads his day and if he mentions anything like 'chunking' or 'adverbial phrases' I am straight on to your site to check what he means! I'm using it at least four times a week. Superb resource – keep up the excellent work.' - Clare, Kent
'TheSchoolRun has saved me countless times when I am confused as to how to help my children on a number of topics. My maths has also improved tremendously due to the simple and fun way employed by TheSchoolRun to teach seemingly complex topics. I can't thank you enough. My children and I are blessed with the discovery of the site. It is our magic wand to excellence.' – Oyebola
‘Let me tell you that your website is the best one for primary school I have come across. I love everything about it and your worksheets are simple, colourful and help me a lot with my daughter at home. So, A BIG THANK YOU!!!’ – Mrs Finch, West Sussex
So why not take a FREE 14-day trial and get all of the benefits TheSchoolRun has to offer?
Sign up for a FREE 14-day trial subscription to our service and you’ll be able to instantly browse, donwload, print or complete online the worksheets, activities and learning packs you need for your child. We'll also create a tailored learning plan for your child (or children) which we'll update every week.
You can terminate your subscription at any time during your trial and pay nothing further simply by logging into your customer portal or emailing us at [email protected]. Your subscription starts as soon as you sign up for a trial subscription and gives you full access to all the resources on the site.
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Access thousands of brilliant resources to help your child be the best they can be.
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