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Grammar worksheets

Modal verbs practice

Modal verbs practice

A fun Year 5 English worksheet made by a teacher to help primary-school children understand modal verbs. It includes examples and activities to make learning about modal verbs enjoyable and engaging.
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Learn to use connectives worksheet

Learn to use connectives

Look at these connectives in this box. Which ones could you use in the sentences below? You might find that more than one connective could work in each sentence.
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Homophones practice worksheet

Homophones practice

Homophones are words that sound the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings. Can you put the words in the left-hand column in the correct sentences?
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Full stop or exclamation mark worksheet

Full stop or exclamation mark?

We use exclamation marks when something is funny or scary or if we are shouting. Look at these sentences. Which ones need full stops and which need exclamation marks?
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Compound words worksheet

Compound words

A compound word is a long word made up of two short words. The blue words in the left-hand column go first; the orange words in the right-hand column go second. Cut out the words and see if you can match them up correctly.
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Choose the correct punctuation mark worksheet

Choose the correct punctuation mark

Should these sentences end in a full stop, a question mark or an exclamation mark? Choose the correct punctuation mark for each one, and don’t forget to add in capital letters if they’re missing!
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Capital letters and punctuation marks: mark the passage worksheet

Capital letters and punctuation marks: mark the passage

Read this paragraph and add in the capital letters, full stops, commas, exclamation marks and question marks where you think they should go
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Apostrophes for singular and plural possession worksheet

Apostrophes for singular and plural possession

When we show that something belongs to someone else, we use an apostrophe. When we talk about lots of things belonging to one person or lots of people, the placing of the apostrophe changes. Look at these sentences and see if you can add in the missing apostrophes.
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Adding suffixes to words ending -fer worksheet

Adding suffixes to words ending -fer

When a verb ends in -fer, if you want to add the suffixes -ing or -ed to it, you need to add another r at the end. If the word is turned to a noun with the ending -ence, the r is not doubled. Now see if you know what all the words in the left-hand column mean. Can you write a sentence containing the red words?
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Writing lists and using colons worksheet

Writing lists and using colons

Make a list of all of the different things in your living room. Use them to finish this sentence (and remember your colon!). Now make a list of all of the different things that might be in a wizard’s spell room. Use the list to finish the sentence below.
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Using semi-colons in lists worksheet

Using semi-colons in lists

We use semi-colons in a list when the items in the list are described by phrases. Can you correctly place the semi-colons in these lists?
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Using commas to separate items in lists worksheet

Using commas to separate items in lists

We can use commas to separate items instead of using the word ‘and’. Can you rewrite these sentences using a comma instead of ‘and’? Remember, you will need ‘and’ before the final item.
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Using apostrophes for omission worksheet

Using apostrophes for omission

Some of the apostrophes have gone missing from this passage. Can you add them back in? Then write each of the incorrect words in their uncontracted (unshortened) form in the grid below. Can you arrange the yellow letters to form word related to using apostrophes?
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Spot incorrect capital letters wordsearch

Spot incorrect capital letters

Jennifer has gone a bit capital-letter-mad writing a letter about her interests and hobbies! Circle the words that shouldn’t have a capital letter, then find them in the wordsearch.
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Spot apostrophe mistakes worksheet

Spot apostrophe mistakes

Ten words in this short story use apostrophes incorrectly. Identify them then find the words in the wordsearch.
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Sorting time connectives worksheet

Sorting time connectives

Time connectives are words or phrases used in writing or speech to explain WHEN something is happening. Can you sort these time connectives from regular connectives?
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Semi-colon or comma?

Semi-colon or comma?

We can use a semi-colon to separate two clauses if they are in some way related to each other and if both clauses could make sense on their own. If one part of the sentence doesn’t make sense on its own, use a comma. Tick and cross these sentences to show if the correct punctuation has been used.
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Past tense verbs worksheet

Past tense verbs

Look at this passage. It includes a number of verbs in the past tense; you need to collect the ones that end in -ed. Find them and write them into the grid below. The highlighted letters will spell out a word.
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Irregular past tense verbs wordsearch

Irregular past tense verbs wordsearch

A fun and free activity created by an experienced teacher with the aim of teaching KS2 children about irregular past tense verbs. Each of the sentences on the worksheet includes an incorrect past-tense verb. Circle the incorrect verb and then find the correct form of the verb in the wordsearch.
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Commas after fronted adverbials worksheet

Commas after fronted adverbials

A fronted adverbial is used at the start of a sentence to explain more about the verb. It tells us where, when or how the verb is done. After a fronted adverbial, we often need a comma. Can you place the missing commas correctly in these sentences?
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